12/20/2024 / By S.D. Wells
When Barrack Obama won the U.S. Presidency in 2008, not too many people knew that he was part of an insidious plot to turn America into a Communist-run nation. One pioneer of truth news, Mike Adams the Health Ranger, called it out early, during Obama’s first term in office. To say it back then was definitely labeled as a “conspiracy theory” by anyone and everyone reporting news to the nation and the world. It wasn’t much longer that it all began coming to light. You could call Biden’s time in office Obama’s third term, because that’s what it really is. Hindsight, after all, is 20/20. Even the Washington Times woke up to it in 2018.
Nearly every “conspiracy theory” the Right and truth news has published information about has come true over the past four years, proving that the U.S. government is run by Democrat-Communists who want to destroy America, wipe out the middle class, and get filthy rich in the process. Every day these crazed Marxists in Washington DC plan and plot ways to undermine the U.S. economy, constitution, health, freedom, and security of our nation and its citizens. Had the election not been too big to rig, our country would surely be completely destroyed in the next few years.
#1. The deadliest vaccine push ever propagated on Americans – mRNA clot shots
#2. Two assassination attempts of President Trump
#3. The “mysterious” Drone-Gate psyop happening right now
#4. The coverup of the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell”
#5. The most corrupt election in U.S. history that put Biden in the White House and the FBI-created “insurrection” that falsely imprisoned hundreds of peaceful conservative protestors from January 6th, 2021
#6. Hiding Biden’s senility from the whole nation while he has the nuke codes
#7. Running a proxy war through Ukraine to funnel trillions of U.S. dollars using the Military Industrial Complex while instigating World War III with Russia
#8. Killing thousands (if not millions) of Americans in U.S. hospitals during the plandemic using “protocol” of isolation, Remdesivir, ventilators, and more clot shots.
#9. More than 4 MILLION ABORTIONS, many in the third term of pregnancy and some even on the day of birth, were performed to add to the genocide of Americans
#10. Replacing Americans with over 20 million illegal immigrants over the past 4 years
Yes, the Democrats aim was to wipe out the middle class of America. That is one of the main goals of the plandemic, including the crippling of the supply chain, massive inflation, shortage of goods, health atrocities caused by the Covid clot shots, and the mass-importation of fentanyl to kill off millions of Americans who use street drugs.
Yes, Planned Parenthood is a racist organization intent on wiping most Black babies off the face of the earth before they ever even exit the womb. This has been the plan since its inception, just take a look at history for the shocking truth.
Tune your apocalypse dial to preparedness.news for updates on real news about surviving the Democrat-led government aggression, lies, and propaganda that comes at us every day now.
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Tagged Under:
. vaccines, abortion, biden communist, Biden crime family, biden puppet, clot shots, conspiracy, corruption, deception, deep state, democrats evil, drone watch, invasion usa, Liberty, migrants, national security, obama communist, obama evil, pandemic, Plandemic, Planned Parenthood, plots, rigged, Trump, Tyranny, vaccine wars, vote fraud, War, WWIII
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