10/16/2023 / By Ethan Huff
Anyone caught out in the streets of France protesting against the Israeli invasion and annihilation of Gaza could face water cannons and tear gas as French police have reportedly begun punishing pro-Palestinian protesters for speaking out against the apparent Israeli-led genocide of the Gaza Strip.
According to the latest reports, the French government under Emmanuel Macron has banned all public support for Palestine, including rallies and other public demonstrations of free speech.
In Paris on Thursday, following orders from Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin to ban all pro-Palestine demonstrations in the name of “public order,” French police officers were seen persecuting French citizens for exercising their civil liberties.
“We live in a country of civil law, a country where we have the right to take a stand and to demonstrate,” said 29-year-old Charlotte Vautier. “[It is unfair] to forbid for one side and to authorize for the other and that does not reflect the reality of Palestine.”
By the way, there are already more people dead at the hands of Israel than there were at the hands of Hamas in this melee as Israeli bombs have reportedly killed more than 1,400 people and wounded thousands of others in various civilian neighborhoods throughout Gaza.
(Related: Did you know that fake president Joe Biden lied about seeing “confirmed pictures” of Israeli children who were allegedly beheaded by Hamas – is this whole thing just another false flag deception now being used to commit genocide against innocent people?)
The official story out of Israel ahead of its planned ground invasion of Gaza is that there have been hundreds of airstrikes on selective targets, the implication being that civilians are being preserved. But this is not what Palestinians are saying.
Entire neighborhoods full of innocent people are being blown to bits as Israel drops bombs on its targets while begging for support in a full-scale war against all of its neighbors, including Syria and Iran.
Even so, France’s position is that Israel is innocent and that nobody should be outside vocalizing any support for the Palestinian people. French minister Darmanin announced that 24 French people were arrested across France in recent days for “anti-Semitic acts.”
According to Darmanin, anyone who vocalizes anything other than full-fledged support for Israel and its “Holy War” should be immediately expelled from France “without delay.”
As for public demonstrations in support of Israel, Macron and his regime have no problem with any of that, even though more people as of now have been killed by the Israeli side than by the Palestinian side.
“Let’s not add, through illusions or calculations, domestic divides to international divides,” proclaimed Macron in a bizarre statement of support for Israel and opposition to Palestine. “The shield of unity will protect us from hatred and excesses.”
“France is doing everything alongside Israeli authorities and our partners to bring them home safely because France never abandons its children,” Macron further added about the 13 French citizens who are said to have died in the Hamas attack last weekend.
Macron then proclaimed that Israel has the “right” to destroy Hamas, but must only do so while “preserving civilian populations.” Macron also said he supports a lasting solution that includes the formation of a Palestinian state alongside the Israeli state.
“Just to throw out my experience, the few Palestinians I knew growing up were Christians,” one of our own readers wrote in a comment. “Our next-door neighbors in an affluent neighborhood in Birmingham, Ala., were a great family of Palestinian Christians.”
“Then in high school I went to a school with a very large Jewish population, many of whom are friends to this day. As are several of the Palestinians. All these fascist governments, politicians and corporations want us killing and hating each other. It’s so obvious.”
The latest news about the situation in the Middle East can be found at Prophecy.news.
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Tagged Under:
biased, big government, chaos, First Amendment, France, free speech, freedom, gathering, Hamas, Israel, Liberty, Macron, Palestine, protests, Suppressed, War
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