10/26/2022 / By Mike Adams
Staten Island Supreme Court Justice Ralph Porzio has struck down the NYC vaccine mandate, calling it “arbitrary and capricious” while explaining, “it was all about compliance” and not public health.
This decision has been widely reported across mainstream and alternative media outlets, and it shows how the “Berlin Wall” of vaccine compliance is crumbling.
Del Bigtree of The Highwire has also recently reported that lawyers are about to file suit in any state that mandates covid-19 vaccines for children. This has become a significant issue after the CDC recently decided to place covid-19 vaccines on the child immunization schedule in order to grant legal immunity to vaccine manufacturers. (These vaccines don’t produce immunity in children, but they do produce legal immunity for vaccine manufacturers.)
In other news, the US government is buying up millions of dollars in radiological decontamination equipment, including showers, positive pressure tents, body suits and more. M8 paper — an indicator of the presence of chemical weapons such as nerve gas — is also being purchased and stockpiled by the government, likely in anticipation of either radiological or chemical attacks.
Food crop output is estimated to plummet 40% – 50% across many regions of the southern hemisphere during the current growing season due to global cooling caused by volcanoes and other sun dimming factors. This will only worsen the global food shortage that has already begun, leading to food price inflation and food scarcity in many countries.
A letter sent to the White House by 30 Democrats demanded diplomacy and a pathway to peace in Ukraine, rather than escalation into global nuclear war. The White House pushed back and the Democrats folded, issuing a bizarre “official statement” that claimed the letter was a mistake:
The Congressional Progressive Caucus hereby withdraws its recent letter to the White House regarding Ukraine… The letter was drafted several months ago, but unfortunately was released by staff without vetting.
It seems that Democrats, which once stood for on an anti-war platform, are now all in with global nuclear war no matter what. No voices of reason, rationality or peace shall be entertained from here forward. The Democrat party is the party of nuclear annihilation.
Learn more in today’s Situation Update podcast via Brighteon.com:
– NY Supreme Court smacks down NYC vaccine mandate
– 16 sanitation workers just took down the vaccine “Berlin Wall” in NY
– Why telling the TRUTH is a moral MUST
– Silence is complicity with evil
– US govt. buying huge quantities of radiological decontamination equipment
– Includes M8 paper, used for detecting chemical weapons
– 40% – 50% crop losses forecast for the Southern Hemisphere this crop season
– UK doctors are being brainwashed with transgender lunacy
– House Democrats RETRACT letter calling for diplomacy solution in Ukraine
– Now, anyone calling for PEACE is labeled a “Putin puppet”
– The powers that be want WAR at any cost, and they want it NOW
– Interview with Mr. William Kirk on ATF overreach, gun rights and arm braces
Brighteon: Brighteon.com/1274a003-08cf-474f-a6e1-9888a594aa0d
Bitchute: Bitchute.com/video/mve5m1o6SeLg/
Rumble: Rumble.com/v1pyc2w-situation-update-oct-26-2022-the-vaccine-berlin-wall-is-finally-being-torn-.html
Banned.Video: Banned.video/watch?id=6359014b71ada12cbee85bce
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Tagged Under:
COVID, enslaved, health freedom, Liberty, obey, pandemic, vaccine mandates, vaccines
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