04/29/2022 / By JD Heyes
In the months after Joe Biden became our nominal commander-in-chief, military observers began to notice a change in the attitude of top commanders.
The men and women who are charged with protecting our country know that the United States can never afford to lose a major war because our most dangerous enemies — Russia, China, Iran, North Korea — would never be as benevolent in victory as America would be.
And yet, at the new regime’s direction, they began disregarding time-tested, long-held training norms and standards for a “woke” new approach that focused on reversing Donald Trump’s ban on transgenders serving, more openly promoting homosexual lifestyles, loosening uniform standards, and embraced the far-left lie that America, and the U.S. military, in particular, is rife with “white supremacy” and “white nationalism.”
Now, it appears that the regime is specifically targeting the base service member: White, America-first, evangelical Christian conservatives for reduction and elimination from all branches, via the highly controversial COVID-19 vaccine mandate, which the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday struck down for private businesses.
According to the Truth for Health Foundation, the regime, as well as the top military commanders for each branch, are using these illegal vaccine mandates in ways that are compromising U.S. national security: Purging military members who refuse to take the experimental jabs; refusing any and all waiver requests whether for religious or medical reasons; physically punishing non-compliant members; allowing for the hazing and shaming of unvaccinated members; denying treatment to members who contract the virus; and burying serious reactions and deaths to the vaccines — all of which are “egregious violations of soldiers’ religious and civil rights guaranteed under the US Constitution,” the organization said this week.
“What the Biden administration and the Department of Defense are doing to our honorable sons and daughters in the military is unconscionable,” Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, president and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation, a non-profit that seeks to defend medical truth and individual medical freedom to choose, said.
“Our service members are being illegally ordered to take an EUA product while being told it is ‘FDA-approved.’ Comirnaty, the only FDA-approved COVID shot is not available on any U.S. military installation in the U.S. or overseas, according to military sources,” Vliet, a past Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and a currently practicing physician, added.
“If service members request a religious or medical exemption, they face extra duty, public humiliation, and threats of dishonorable discharge. If they talk about it, they risk career-ending discipline. Some have been arrested for requesting a religious exemption, a constitutional right all of our military take an oath to defend,” she continued.
Earlier this month, Fox News quoted several currently serving Marines who also are of the opinion that the regime is targeting military members for their political beliefs under cover of the vaccine mandate.
“There’s something fundamentally wrong at this point with our nation’s leadership,” a major with more than 17 years of active service told the network. “We are facing an unconstitutional edict that I think is very targeted as a political purge, taking out some of the best and brightest soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and guardians from the Space Force.”
During a recent “Purging Patriots from the Military” press conference, the foundation provided “indisputable proof” from military whistleblowers and their attorneys regarding how military brass are using the mandate to violate fundamental constitutional protections regarding medical and religious rights.
The organization also documented violations of Universal Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) regulations and how the service has conducted medical experimentation on members without their informed consent.
“Catastrophic damage from the experimental vaccines and COVID policies has damaged military readiness and poses a serious threat to America’s national security,” the group notes.
The organization adds: “Our military members defend us. They deserve our support to defend them now against medical tyranny by their own Command.”
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Biden regime, covid vaccine, covid-19, culture wars, discharge, health freedom, left cult, Liberty, military, military brass, military members, national security, national security risk, patriots, Pentagon, Purge, readiness, Tyranny, U.S. military, vaccine harm, vaccine mandate, vaccines
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