05/23/2020 / By Mike Adams
Facebook is trying to intimidate Brighteon.com into censoring the Plandemic video from its platform, and as part of the intimidation by Facebook, they’ve banned the sharing of all links from Brighteon.com (and NaturalNews.com), including in private Facebook messaging.
The message is clear: If we don’t censor the Plandemic videos on our platform, our entire platform will be blacklisted by Facebook. Such action on the part of Facebook is illegal antitrust action, of course, and Facebook will not succeed in their criminal behavior for much longer. TAKE ACTION to protest Facebook’s antitrust censorship at this link on Banned.news.
For our part, we are doubling down on free speech and the Brighteon platform, reassuring our users that we will NOT comply with the censorship demands of the evil, communist China-run tech giants like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. In fact, here’s an article where we list all the multi-language versions of the Plandemic film, including Portuguese, Greek, Spanish, French, Italian and more.
We protect and defend your right to speak. And your videos that question the status quo on vaccines, pandemics, the Federal Reserve or any other topic are welcomed at Brighteon.com.
Brighteon.com is a free-to-use free speech alternative to YouTube. There are currently over 44,000 user channels on Brighteon, and right now all 44,000 are being censored by Facebook in the most malicious (and illegal) blacklisting effort yet attempted by the techno-fascists. You can create a new account at this link.
In the podcast below, I explain how Brighteon is doubling down on free speech and working overtime to protect the content our users post and share.
We are now recommending everyone move over to AllSocial.com as the new alternative to Facebook. I have met with principles at AllSocial, and they are good people who are sworn to never censor any viewpoint. They only restrict porn, violence and criminal activity, but nothing else.
The Brighteon channel for AllSocial, which is just now starting from near-zero, is:
You can also catch our NaturalNews channel at:
Tell everyone you know to ditch Facebook and move over to AllSocial.com.
Listen to this podcast for more details (slight profanity warning):
Brighteon.com is currently losing money every day due to the extremely high viewership of the Plandemic video.
To help Brighteon fight for your right to speak, please consider making a donation at this Brighteon.com donation page.
Tagged Under: antitrust, banned, Big Tech, Blacklisted, Brighteon, Censorship, coronavirus, covid-19, evil, Facebook, free speech, freedom, Liberty, outbreak, pandemic, Plandemic, tech giants, technocrats, vaccines