Same group that pushes mandatory vaccines at gunpoint now says citizens should never own guns to defend themselves

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a rabidly pro-vaccine front group working on behalf of Big Pharma, recently mailed out a deceptive survey to its members asking them to explain how they are engaging in “Firearm Injury Prevention” – as if it’s part of the normal job description of doctors and pediatricians to somehow encourage their patients to avoid owning guns under any circumstances.

As reported by “Dr. LateBloomer,” a firearms owner and pediatrician who writes under this alias for her own protection, the AAP survey – which she personally received as one of the organization’s members – asks all sorts of invasive and biased questions about how AAP pediatricians are addressing the “issue” of firearms ownership among their patients.

One of the questions trickily asks AAP doctors to reveal how frequently they or members of their staff identify families who own firearms, as well as how often they follow up by recommending to said families that they remove all firearms from their homes – and all of this for the stated purpose of “providing health supervision.”

A corresponding question suggests that not identifying families that own firearms represents the converse of this, in that it fails to provide proper “health supervision.” To those who fall into this category, AAP plainly asks why, and what are the reasons for not doing so?

The survey goes on to ask AAP doctors and pediatricians how “prepared” they feel to “counsel” patients and their families about “firearm injury prevention.” It also inquires as to how AAP members feel about “receiving additional training on firearm injury prevention” without explaining who, exactly, might be doing this “training.”

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One particularly slanted question on the survey asks AAP members to rate their level of agreement to the statement, “Pediatricians should support community efforts to enact legislation” that restricts and / or bans the sale and possessions of handguns, “assault weapons,” high capacity magazines, and other gun paraphernalia.

The highly-politicized AAP has a clear anti-Second Amendment, pro-vaccine agenda that it’s trying to push on the world

In other words, the whole thing is one giant anti-gun propaganda effort by the AAP, whose apparent aim is to implant the idea into its members that being a doctor or pediatrician is somehow inextricably linked to policing patient gun ownership – which is ironic, considering the AAP essentially believes that people should be forcibly vaccinated, at gunpoint if necessary.

“This is nothing but a laundry list of their usual party line anti-gun talking points,” says Dr. LateBloomer. “I’m surprised that they even included the option to disagree. And there is one (count ’em, one) option which allows you to check the idea that none of this is the pediatrician’s role.”

In Dr. LateBloomer’s view, having already been trained about the markers of survey bias during her years studying public health as part of her Master’s program, the whole point of this survey put together by AAP is to use the answers it receives as “evidence” that AAP membership largely supports the AAP’s anti-Second Amendment agenda.

“They will continue to do what they are already doing, but now they will claim that they represent their membership in this ‘mission,'” is how Dr. LateBloomer puts it.

It’s truly amazing that, even amid a so-called measles outbreak “epidemic,” the AAP is focusing its attention and resources on policing gun ownership – and trying to use its members as pawns to “win” the debate.

“How about if the AAP bigwigs stick to actual medical issues, like – oh, I dunno – maybe measles outbreaks, and why we have to medicate literally millions of American children just so they can make it through the school day?” asks Dr. LateBloomer.

“That ought to keep them busy for the next 20 years or so.”

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