It’s not too late: Your mission, if you choose to accept it

As the systems of control that rule over our daily lives seemingly amass increasingly more power on a daily basis, it can feel like all hope is lost to those who possess even minimal awareness of what’s going on in the world. So is there anything that can be done to stop this onslaught of tyranny and oppression, or are we all just wasting our time even wishing for a better future?

During a recent episode of his Lost Arts Radio program, available at, host Richard Sacks discusses a range of topics centered around the concept of self-awareness, explaining how he believes expanded consciousness is the way forward for humanity.

According to Sacks, it’s not too late to reverse course – but doing so will require individuals who recognize the problems to step up to the plate and embrace their mission in life. Sacks asks the bigger question, “What’s keeping you from being self-aware?” answering it in such a way as to make his listeners understand just how little they really know about the current state of things.

“It’s not just control; it’s not just Agenda 21; it’s not even just population reduction – it’s extermination of life on the planet,” says Sacks about the modus operandi of the so-called “elite” in our current age. “Not even their upper-middle level people know (what’s going on) … it’s a step-by-step ceremonial sacrifice of the biosphere, you might say … and it’s up to us if we want to let that happen or not.”

Be sure to watch the full Lost Arts Radio episode with Richard Sacks at below:

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Is there power in consciousness?

In Sacks’ view, our consciousness is incredibly powerful. While many of us might not realize the value of knowledge and understanding, Sacks says that possessing these two things is the key to overcoming the evil plans that the elite have for us all.

“Like Dorothy with the red slippers in The Wizard of Oz, she had no idea,” Sacks explains using an allegory.

“She was going off to Oz and trying to meet the wizard and everything, and she didn’t realize until later that she was wearing the red slippers, and that’s our consciousness. It has massive power. It’s the biggest fear of the rulers that we might discover that before they conclude with their plans and wipe out life on the planet – including themselves.”

Part of gaining consciousness is shedding our labels, contends Sacks. Whether it’s terms like “conservative” or “liberal,” “socialist,” or even “anarchist,” labels restrict people into a very narrow mindset, disallowing them the ability to think outside of that.

“What we need to do if we want to truly wake up, not just be able to recite what’s going on that’s bad in the world … this kind of waking up is self-awareness, and that’s the key to turning things around on the planet,” says Sacks.

“It’s scary for a lot of people because that’s their identity, and their sense of comfort.”

Sacks uses examples like the so-called “Green New Deal” and single-payer health care as two prominent examples of how good intentions are being engaged in completely the wrong way.

“You have to understand how economics works, or you’ll make bad judgments,” says Sacks. “At the lower levels, they’re just following and getting really excited because it’s ‘environmental,’ so it must be good … but the idea of fixing the economy by a minimum wage or by the government just giving you a certain amount of money to live on – that’s a disaster, and it’s actually suicide.”

The same is true of people who want clean, organic food, but who don’t know that our entire system is run by a private central bank known as the Federal Reserve, which keeps everyone locked into being wage slaves.

“The president is trying to do a good job … but I don’t think he fully comprehends what’s wrong with the central banking system, the Federal Reserve … it’s a total scam,” says Sacks, who insists that the Federal Reserve needs to be abolished.

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Be sure to check out the full episode at

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