Defending yourself against a home invader is now a criminal offense in Canada, where “progressivism” means CRIMINALS are presumed innocent

Defending yourself against home invaders is now a criminal offense in Canada. A 23-year-old man was charged with second degree murder after fatally wounding one of three invaders that overtook his home.

On a cold night in Weyburn, Saskatchewan Canada, three masked men broke into the home of Keegan Muxlow. Armed with a shotgun and knife, the three home invaders took the lone man by surprise, threatening his life.

In fear for his life, Muxlow brandished his .22LR caliber rifle and fired several shots. One of the shots struck 18-year-old burglar Nathan Hutt. The three home invaders fled as Muxlow stood his ground. Around 9PM, Muxlow called the police to report the break-in and the shooting.

After arriving, the police got a call fifteen minutes later from Weyburn General Hospital. The hospital was treating two patients who were suffering from a gunshot wound and various stab wounds. The first suspect, Nathan Hutt, passed away from the gunshot wound around midnight. The second subject, 23-year-old Dominick Hawkes, was stabilized. The third subject, not injured, didn’t turn up until the next morning.

Police are charging the surviving intruders, Hawkes and McLeod, with breaking and entering, assault, wearing a disguise during the commission of an offense, cocaine use, possession of a weapon for the purpose of committing an offense, and possession of a firearm without a valid license.

Self defense is a criminal act in Canada

Home invasions happen in a blink. One moment you could be checking your phone…the next moment you could be faced with a life and death situation. Keegan Muxlow not only had to live through a traumatic burglary, but he will also have to live with the mental imagery of the break in, and the emotions that come with taking someone’s life in self defense.

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On top of all that, he is being charged with second degree murder for defending his home and his life! Three masked men with weapons were an imminent threat, and Muxlow had no choice but to fight back. Now he is going to jail for doing just that. Because homeowner Keegan Muxlow fired the only shots in the failed home invasion, police determined that he was the criminal.

According to Canada’s progressive laws, armed home invaders are presumed innocent. Self defense is the criminal act. This sets a horrifying precedent.

Who knows what would have happened if Muxlow would have submitted to the burglars and their barrage of weapons. Out-manned and outgunned, Muxlow did the heroic, saving his own life and forcing the three criminals to flee. He should be deputized by the police force – not sentenced. By jailing Muxlow, the law enforcement is forcing Canadians to think like victims.

Deputy Chief Rod Stafford of the Weyburn Police Service says that the police do not determine self defense. According to standard policing procedure, law enforcement must charge Muxlow for the second degree murder, even though he was saving his own life. Stafford iterated further: “Police departments have a lot of discretion in laying charges, but in capital cases, I don’t think that a police department would ever make a decision on its own not to lay a charge in a capital case where self-defense was either alleged or seemed like maybe even it was a case of self-defense. Perhaps a Crown Prosecutor, once they get the file and read it, will direct that charges be amended, or dropped, or added but, again, in a capital case, that decision is best left for a jury to decide once they hear all of the evidence.”

Now the courts will determine whether the heroic Muxlow was right for defending himself. He faces three additional firearm charges, including unsafe storage of a firearm, use of a firearm during the commission of an offense, and possession of a firearm without a license.

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