The entire reason government wants to TRACK all firearms is so tyrants can CONFISCATE them in the near future

The American Left has its dander up again over guns and is picking a new fight with a class of firearms that not only aren’t part of any major crime problem, but which have been around for years and no one seemed to mind or notice.

As noted by Bearing Arms, ever since the Trump administration decided to abandon the government’s case against Defense Distributed, an online open-source hardware organization that has developed schematics of firearms in CAD files that can be downloaded and used in 3D printing, Lefty Democrats have declared war on them. 

The next skirmish is set to begin in Maryland, where ruling Democrats are looking to ban these so-called “untraceable guns.”

As reported by the Capital Gazette:

With just weeks until the General Assembly returns to Annapolis on Jan. 9, the new Democratic state House Majority Leader is looking to continue the progress made last session on gun violence prevention by banning 3D and ghost guns in the state.

House Majority Leader Kathleen Dumais, D-Montgomery, said she will be introducing a bill banning the possession of 3D-printed guns — plastic guns capable of shooting live ammunition and made with a 3D printer — and ghost guns — nearly complete and without serial numbers — in Maryland.

Federal law already prohibits the creation of untraceable guns.

Well, federal law also prohibits the recreational consumption of marijuana, but Democrats in Left-wing states that have approved such consumption don’t seem to care what federal statutes say when it comes to pot.

Nevertheless, the Maryland initiative fits a pattern of Democrat political behavior: All guns are bad, even those that don’t yet exist.

Addressing a non-existent problem

The legislation being proposed is “absurd,” Mark Pennak, president of Maryland Shall Issue, a group that supports the founders’ vision of the Second Amendment, told the Capital Gazette. 

Not only would the purchase of the 3D printing equipment to make a gun be cost-prohibitive — machines cost several hundred to several thousand dollars — but the ‘firearm’ design available from Defense Distributed is for a low-caliber, single-shot weapon, he said.

Calling a law that blocks a Maryland resident from obtaining the design a ban on “the possession of knowledge,” Pennak also noted that “no one has ever used” one of those guns to commit a crime.

“It would cost far more to 3D-print (the firearm) than to acquire a gun…on the street. It’s just hysteria and nothing more,” he told the paper. (Related: Left-wing media LIES about 3D-printed guns, falsely claims they are “undetectable” deadly weapons.)

But there’s also a question about legality. Maryland Democrats say federal law prohibits the creation of untraceable firearms, but that’s not entirely correct, Bearing Arms notes:

What it does prohibit is unserialized firearms from being sold… Making the guns, however, is perfectly legal so long as there’s no intent to sell it. If you want to build an AR-15 for personal use with a less than 80 percent complete receiver because you like making things, that’s perfectly legal.

Moreover, Maryland’s ban on knowledge is not going to stop real live criminals from obtaining “ghost guns.” By definition, they are criminals and do not follow laws (like Democrats in states that have approved recreational marijuana use).

What Democrats really want to do is control the flow of all guns, period. They want to be able to track them from purchase so that someday when they control enough levers of power, they can ban them outright and confiscate them.

That’s really what this new Maryland law is all about — not solving a crime problem because there isn’t one involving the targeted weapon. Or a potential weapon. 

As violent crime remains high in parts of Maryland (like Baltimore) a better idea instead of addressing a non-existent problem is to empower citizens to defend themselves. An armed society is a polite society.

Read more about absurd gun laws at

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