Florida becomes the first state in the South to approve medical marijuana – who’s next?

2016 will go down as a truly historic year for a number of reasons. Some of those reasons are good. Some of those reasons are not so good. But many of them have to do with the advancement of liberty throughout the United States — and that is always a good thing. The American people deserve our individual rights to be treated as the most important political issue and it seems as though that is finally happening. Finally.

Last night’s election gave us numerous things to consider moving forward in regards to our country, but one thing that is getting grossly overlooked is the fact that cannabis — and all those who support it — was the true victor of the evening.

Recreational marijuana use was legalized in three states — Nevada, California and Massachusetts — and in one of the more surprising results of the evening (barring the upset presidential election), Florida became the first state in the south to legalize medical marijuana usage. Finally, the southern states are catching up to the rest of the country. Hopefully more will follow in Florida’s footsteps, which is something I never thought I would say.

Jane C. Timm of NBC News reports, “Just two years after the state rejected a similar measure, a vast majority of Florida voters cast ballots in favor of Amendment 2 … exceeding the 60 percent threshold needed to approve the legislation and insert an amendment into the state constitution that would allow people with cancer, epilepsy, and other serious conditions to use the substance if their doctor recommends it.”

While it would be much more satisfying if it were legalized recreationally as well — for the sheer amount of financial gain and freedom it would bring to the people of Florida — this is a huge step in the right direction when it comes to marijuana legislation. The south has been notoriously harsh in regards to cannabis, but this shows that their minds are changing for the better.

If nothing else, this should show that the alternative media has power. The mainstream all but completely ignores discussing the numerous benefits of legalized cannabis, so anyone who has woken up to the truth over the past few years has alternative media outlets to thank for it. There is an awakening happening in our country and it is very exciting.

The future looks bright for marijuana, which means that the future looks bright for all of the Americans that will get to experience all of its benefits. Big Pharma is losing and the American people are winning.





