By Ethan Huff
The socialism that liberals love completely destroyed Venezuela – watch at
Braindead leftists love to praise what they believe to be the merits of socialism, insisting that this model of government is preferable to freedom and liberty. But what these ignorant statists fail to recognize is that socialism never works, the South American debacle known as Venezuela being a case-in-point. In a recent video, available […]
By Ethan Huff
How to create a new, private society with Gemstone University’s Ken Cousens – watch at
Have you ever wondered what life might be like without all of the burdensome rules, restrictions, and regulations in society that exist far outside the bounds of what the Constitution originally provisioned? During a recent episode of Sarah Westall’s “Business Game Changers” program, which aired at, Gemstone University‘s Ken Cousens discussed how we got […]
By Ethan Huff
Facebook, Google and Twitter aren’t “free:” they monitor and track EVERYTHING you do – watch at
There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and the internet, social media, and phone communications are no exception. Everything you do on your computer or smartphone via “free” services is being actively monitored, tracked, and recorded into government databases for social engineering purposes. In a recent video by Shofar Nexus, available for viewing at […]
By Ethan Huff
What would happen if Twitter censored all black people? Watch at
The left is far too busy at the moment rooting on the technocratic thought police that are actively censoring conservative and out-of-the-box thinking online to notice that what they’re now advocating for is really no different than the policies of old that forced black people to sit at the back of the bus behind whites. […]
By Ethan Huff
Americans can’t even sell lemonade without being assaulted and arrested by cops – WATCH at
In order to maintain a safe and well-functioning society, it’s necessary to have law and order, which serves to keep the peace and protect the liberties of all people. But the legal system in the United States is utterly broken, as is the police system that thrives on depriving people of their God-given rights in […]
By Ethan Huff
Alex Jones creates petition calling on President Trump to pardon Julian Assange – WATCH at
President Trump has been busy working out new trade deals, establishing tariffs, and bringing jobs back to America. But his justice department has yet to put Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama in prison, as it has similarly failed to pardon Wikileaks founder and American patriot Julian Assange, whose information releases over the years have been […]
By Ethan Huff
Learn how to reclaim your sovereignty and fight government tyranny through jury nullification – WATCH at
Americans have a little-known weapon at their disposal to shut down government tyranny in an instant, and it’s known as jury nullification. A recent episode of “Sovereignty International,” available for viewing at, discusses jury nullification at length, revealing how the Founding Fathers incorporated this powerful tool of justice into the Constitution as a failsafe […]
By Ethan Huff
First plank of communism: abolish all private property (sound familiar?) – WATCH at
How closely does the agenda of the Democrats and the modern-day Left match that of Karl Marx and the Communist Party? Almost perfectly, believe it or not. During a recent episode of The Issue, available at, host “Ghetto Man” discusses the first plank of communism: the abolition of all private property. It’s something that […]
By Ethan Huff
Watch this interview on with Brandon Straka about the #WalkAway campaign
Social media personality “Tracybeanz” recently had the rare opportunity to sit down with #WalkAway campaign founder Brandon Straka – a really busy man these days – and engage in an in-depth interview, which you can watch in its entirety at If you’re interested in hearing about how Straka, a self-identified homosexual, went from being […]
By Ethan Huff
Ex-KGB officer warns in video posted at that communists are trying to take over the United States
Is there really a communist plot to subvert the United States, as American politician Joseph McCarthy and many others have long warned? Ex-KGB officer and former Kremlin propagandist Yuri Bezmenov, now an American patriot, explains how there absolutely is in an eye-opening talk posted to Bezmenov recalls how he was once among the many […]
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