08/19/2016 / By Mary Wilder
Anyone who has even attempted to educate themselves on the actual effects of cannabis should be well aware that it is not only completely safe, it also boasts numerous health benefits. If you name an ailment, there is a decent chance that marijuana can aid, if not completely cure, the illness. As a result, there’s no doubt that consuming marijuana is significantly safer than consuming alcohol.
Just how much safer, though, may surprise you.
According to a study conducted by the journal Scientific Reports, alcohol is an astounding 114 times more likely to kill you than marijuana. Since alcohol is statistically the most dangerous drug on the market and marijuana is the safest, this should be expected, but seeing the hard data confirmed is a victory for cannabis supporters across the United States. For years we’ve been telling the mainstream media of the plant’s endless benefits and have generally been disregarded. Now it seems as though they’re finally coming around.
Yet, marijuana remains illegal while it’s difficult to find a street in America where you can’t purchase a truckload of alcoholic beverages. This is obviously the case because the alcohol industry and the federal government are in cahoots together, and they both see a clear threat in cannabis. There’s little doubt that the legalization of marijuana would cause many alcohol users to transition over to the natural health alternative, and they know the only way to prevent that from happening is by keeping cannabis outlawed.
It’s a shady, immoral tactic, but it’s nothing new when it comes to the federal government. They’ve been using tactics like this for decades.
For America to live up to its “Land of the Free” moniker, it absolutely must legalize cannabis on a federal level — and soon. It’s long overdue that our country catch up with other, civilized countries in regards to individual freedoms, and the widespread acceptance of marijuana is a major factor in that.