Why is the US government suppressing this herbal breakthrough that can protect your liver from alcohol damage?

(NaturalNews) I’ve just posted a new video on Youtube, revealing how the US government is actively suppressing a licorice root-based herbal breakthrough that can protect you from liver damage.

The herb gives your liver a powerful, molecular “self-defense” capability against alcohol and Tylenol damage, protecting your liver from damage. But the government is actively trying to suppress this natural breakthrough called “NTX”. Learn more at NTXtechnology.com.

Highlights of the video, filmed at CWClabs.com:

* Drinking alcohol to excess causes liver damage.

* A medicinal molecule found in licorice root protects the liver from alcohol damage.

* It also protects the liver from damage caused by Tylenol (acetaminophen).

* The herbal extract is called “NTX” was created by a company that’s trying to add it to alcoholic beverages to make them safer to drink.

* Their website is NTXtechnology.com, which states:

NTX is a proprietary blend of Glycyrrhizin (extract of licorice root), Mannitol and Potassium Sorbate specially formulated to be infused into alcoholic beverages during the manufacturing process, creating a new category of science-meets-consumption called Functional Spirits. NTX was created to pioneer the Functional Spirits industry by leveraging the most innovative technologies and delivering enhanced, smarter products to our consumers.

Since Federal regulations currently prohibit us from making any health related statements regarding NTX, we have filed this Health Claim Petition with the Department of the Treasury Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. Through this petition, it is our hope that we can finally share our research and introduce the world to a new category of spirits called “Functional Spirits”.

* The federal government is blocking their efforts. The federal government doesn’t want drinking to be made safer.

* There’s too much money in liver transplants and liver disease. It generates huge profits for hospitals, doctors and drug companies.

* NTX could help save money on health care costs by reducing liver damage and reducing liver transplants.

* Our own government actively works against our health and safety by denying consumers access to herb-based extracts that could make drinking safer (and reduce liver damage from alcohol).

* Drink responsibly, but also drink SAFELY at the same time!

* The company that created NTX has filed a petition with the US government (the TTB). Read it here.
