News & Articles By newstarget
By newstarget
Hillary reemerges, slams “dangerous epidemic” of fake news
Having disappeared from the public scene for almost a month (with the occasional backwood spotting thrown in for dramatic effect), today Hillary Clinton reemerged from a self-imposed social quarantine, and in a exquisitely choreographed Podesta special, addressed the nation from Capitol Hill. What was first and foremost on the mind of person who the “impartial” […]
By newstarget
Why is the US government suppressing this herbal breakthrough that can protect your liver from alcohol damage?
(NaturalNews) I’ve just posted a new video on Youtube, revealing how the US government is actively suppressing a licorice root-based herbal breakthrough that can protect you from liver damage. The herb gives your liver a powerful, molecular “self-defense” capability against alcohol and Tylenol damage, protecting your liver from damage. But the government is actively trying […]
By newstarget
US lawmakers propose bill to deny gun rights to patriots, preppers, sovereign citizens and other “suspected terrorists”
Scores of lawmakers – most of them Democrats but who are joined by a single Republican – are pushing a measure that would grant the attorney general the authority to block the sale of guns and explosives to known terrorists as well as those the AG classifies as terrorists. And while that proposal sounds pretty […]
By newstarget
Illinois lawmakers now actively seeking to seize all firearms from private citizens across the entire state … Run-up to citizens’ REVOLT?
Is the Illinois state legislature attempting to foment a revolt among state citizens? Because that’s precisely what may happen if lawmakers who have introduced a proposal recently to grab guns, succeed. As reported by The New American in late December, a recently introduced resolution in the state legislature is a grave and direct threat to […]
By newstarget
US Army ad depicts soldiers training for martial law crowd control
(NaturalNews) In recent years, there has been a lot of speculation over whether or not the American government is preparing to eventually declare martial law( in a bid to gain complete authoritarian control over the populace. Imagine if there were an excuse to do so – let’s say in the next few months – before […]
By newstarget
Nazi Germany or Modern America? Parents call cops on teens for passing out ‘offensive’ books on public property
(NaturalNews) Like a chapter straight out of Ray Bradbury’s novel “Fahrenheit 451”, or a snapshot of 1930s-era Germany, the distribution of a controversial best-seller book among a group of young people in an American community triggered a call to the police( The trouble started when the book in question, “The Absolutely True Diary of a […]
By newstarget
The Leftist Empire Strikes Back: Texas school bans 7th-grader’s Star Wars T-shirt for displaying ‘offensive’ fictional weapon
(NaturalNews) The modern day public school system has become a mind control operation that conditions children to simulate into compliant, dumbed-down copies of one another. The originality, creativity, and questioning nature of the child’s spirit is drowned out, as they are forced to comply to some manufactured concept of what it means to be a […]
By newstarget
Illinois representatives consider law to confiscate guns from Americans on unconstitutional government lists
(NaturalNews) Oftentimes, a president will push for a certain domestic policy he knows that he himself cannot implement on a national level, all the while knowing there will be a certain number of politically like-minded states that will implement the policy at their level, thereby allowing him to achieve at least a modicum of success. […]
By newstarget
FBI recruits 18-year-old with IQ of 51 to be a terrorist, then charges him with terrorism
The U.S. criminal justice system continues to bare its broken parts, with its flaws particularly affecting those suffering from developmental delays and lower socioeconomic status, often a combination of both. When the term “terrorism” is involved, defendants repeatedly find themselves embroiled in an uphill battle with the federal government, or in this case the state. […]
By newstarget
Frantic leftist media expresses horror at the idea that Netflix show depicts a superhero using guns to kill bad guys
(NaturalNews) The frantic leftist media is waging an all out war on guns, trying to vilify those who carry, trying to deceive the masses into giving up their responsibility to defend themselves. Mainstream news anchors play right into the emotional anti-gun agenda that is encouraging the masses to be defenseless, crybaby victims. Schools no longer […]
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