By Ethan Huff
Zuckerberg admits to censoring Americans, Hunter Biden laptop story under Biden-Harris “pressure”
On Aug. 26, 2024, Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg wrote a letter to Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) of the House Committee on the Judiciary telling him that the regime of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris “pressured” Facebook to censor Americans, which Facebook did. Facebook remains under the microscope as part of a lengthy investigation into the social […]
By S.D. Wells
Zuckerberg’s META-FAKEBOOK censors anyone opposed to Israel’s mass-murdering of Palestinians – Now Meta faces LAWSUIT over bias and discrimination
Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta spy apparatus, also known as Fakebook, is a multi-faceted social media platform used for many nefarious purposes, including tracking people’s purchases, service interests, psychological marketing, influencing political stances, police state control, censorship, election interference and influencing popular opinion about important (corrupt) government narratives. Since the War in Gaza began, Fakebook has been […]
By Ethan Huff
Project Veritas blows lid on Facebook’s global censorship of “vaccine hesitancy”
Facebook is so determined to get everyone in the world “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) that it is now censoring all content that it deems as promoting “vaccine hesitancy” (VH). Two whistleblowers recently came forward to tell their stories to Project Veritas, revealing that Facebook’s goal is to “drastically reduce user exposure” to comments […]
By Ethan Huff
Facebook actively brainwashing users to accept rigged, manipulated election results
Speaking to Axios during a recent video interview, Mark Zuckerberg openly admitted that the plan at Facebook is to squelch all information about the election that in any way suggests a result can be known on election day. As we previously covered, Zuckerberg is already planning for the election results to take days “or even […]
By News Editors
The death of free speech: Zuckerberg asks governments for instructions on “what discourse should be allowed”
I have written for years on the effort of European countries to expand their crackdown on free speech globally through restrictions on social media and Internet speech. It appears that Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg has relented in what may prove the death knell for free speech in the West. Zuckerberg seems to relent in asking governments for regulations […]
By Ethan Huff
If you don’t support the abortion murder of babies, you should be banned from Facebook, demands pro-abortion group
It’s not enough for leftists to simply have their political and ideological foes muzzled as far as engaging in online free speech. Now, the left wants to see you banned from Facebook and other social media platform simply for holding viewpoints with which they disagree – even if you don’t actually express those views on […]
By Ethan Huff
Facebook bans all speech that praises white culture, demonstrating the deep-rooted bigotry and intolerance of Big Tech
Celebrating your ethnic heritage on Facebook is completely acceptable and within the confines of free speech and the First Amendment – just so long as you don’t have white skin, of course. The deep state owned-and-operated social media platform recently announced that any content on its platform that says anything positive specifically about white people […]
By S.D. Wells
Ultra-rich Conservatives should start a new MASSIVE social media platform called “RightMedia” that protects free speech from deranged, authoritarian Leftists
As a complete and appropriate retort to the massive purge that’s happening to Conservatives on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Spotify, and Stitcher, a new social media platform should be called “RightMedia” and invite the 50 million Trump Twitter followers to join on day one, just as a massive jumpstart. One billion dollars should be the […]
By Mike Adams
Facebook blocks all Natural News article posts to 2.2M fans after site posts White House petition citing immunization dangers
In the latest outrageous example of total censorship against the independent media, Facebook has blocked nearly 100 percent of the sharing of articles from Natural News. It all began when a Natural News story linked to this White House petition demanding a moratorium on childhood immunizations for five years while toxicology experts study the skyrocketing […]
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