By Ethan Huff
How to create a new, private society with Gemstone University’s Ken Cousens – watch at
Have you ever wondered what life might be like without all of the burdensome rules, restrictions, and regulations in society that exist far outside the bounds of what the Constitution originally provisioned? During a recent episode of Sarah Westall’s “Business Game Changers” program, which aired at, Gemstone University‘s Ken Cousens discussed how we got […]
By Don Wrightman
Newly proposed bill would end US membership in the United Nations
There’s a proposed House Resolution for the US to withdraw its membership at the United Nations. This comes at the time when another proposal is being drawn up to cut US funding to the UN body. The new bill was proposed by Republican Mike Rogers. It’s called the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017, and […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Get ready, taxpayers: Liberal bureaucrats who promised too many benefits to political constituents are about to raid your retirement accounts
( Really, it was just a matter of time before it happened: Liberal regressive Democratic bureaucrats and lawmakers who made rich promises to political constituents back in a time when tax coffers were flush are now eying your retirement accounts to help them pay for these promises. And in the end, we’ll all end up broke (except for the bureaucrats). […]
By usafeaturesmedia
This is what Trump is talking about when he bashes the out-of-control federal bureaucracy
( Americans increasingly frustrated with the inefficiencies, inadequacies and inability of the federal bureaucracy to accomplish its appointed tasks in a prudent manner have long called on Congress to rein in what they see as a burgeoning, untouchable, unelected governing body that, quite frankly, isn’t competent. Or frugal. But so far Congress has been tone deaf. […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Defending the indefensible: Broke govt. tries to justify funding goofy, meaningless ‘studies’
( You would think that a government racing towards a $20 trillion debt would be looking at every possible way to cut spending and make the most of the taxpayers’ money. And in normal times, that’s what would happen. But we don’t live in normal times anymore, and fiscal responsibility is something that completely eludes nearly every […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Tax dollars for drunk birds and musical monkeys
( A blistering congressional report issued Tuesday excoriated the federal government for spending tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer money on frivolous scientific studies, including why the face of Jesus Christ appears on toast and whether drunk birds slur when they sing. “Twenty Questions: Profiles in Federally Funded Science” was issued by Sen. Jeff Flake, […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Dear Taxpayer: The massive bailouts for bankrupt city and state pension funds are coming
( You won’t hear much talk about publicly in Congress but after all, it is an election year so our leaders can’t be heard openly discussing the next big fleecing of the American taxpayer. But it’s coming, nonetheless, as pension funds around the country that are trillions of dollars in debt begin to fail, one after another. As […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Waste not, want not: Report exposes hundreds of BILLIONS every year in duplicate govt. spending
( There is no better entity on the face of the planet for wasting valuable taxpayer resources than the U.S. government, as a recently released report proves yet again. In fact, the government wastes hundreds of billions a year on duplicate spending, even as Congress and the president rack up trillions in debt and turn tone-deaf ears […]
By usafeaturesmedia
The Obamacare fail is so steep even Uncle Sam’s budget master has no idea how bad it will get
( Just when it looks as though the epic failure of Obamacare cannot get any worse for beleaguered taxpayers who are forced to pick up the ever-growing tab, it does. Now, apparently, the cost of the law is getting so hard to estimate that the Congressional Budget Office is simply going to give up trying. As reported […]
By usafeaturesmedia
New refugee ‘fitness’ program costs taxpayers a bundle
( If you think your gym membership is getting expensive, wait until you hear about the fitness program you just paid for on behalf of refugees and immigrants to the U.S. As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, the National Institutes of Health is set to spend nearly $1.7 million on an exercise program for […]
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