There isn’t anything President Obama would not do to make it more difficult for Americans to exercise their Second Amendment …
(Freedom.news) Exactly half of the 6-member Federal Elections Commission just threatened to launch an assault against conservative media, but you’d …
Everyone except his most adoring, Kool-Aid-drinking fans, know that President Obama has an honesty problem. Just the lies he told …
(Freedom.news) President Obama, during his recent trip to the communist “paradise” of Cuba, had plenty of time for baseball games …
(BigGovernment.news) A small business group, stepping into the debate over the Supreme Court nominee for the first time in its …
(Freedom.news) Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and fellow Democrats in the chamber are making a mockery of the rule …
To read more about Hillary Clinton News, please go to Clinton.news for all the latest updates (Freedom.news) With little fanfare …
How desperate are the Left-wing authoritarians in the Obama administration getting to push their global warming/climate change hoax? Desperate enough, …
(Freedom.news) Various news outlets have been drip, drip, dripping information regarding Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal, unsecure email server …
(Freedom.news) One of the greatest threats to individual liberty and corporate freedom is restrictive and expensive federal regulation, but a …