(Freedom.news) The Beltway media couldn’t be more out of touch if it tried. Seriously. Case in point: The Hill used the …
(BigGovernment.news) If you thought the lawlessness of Barack Obama had reached its peak with his involvement in the cover-up of …
(Freedom.news) While history books written by today’s academic Leftists are going to be extremely kind to Barack Obama – he’s …
(BigGovernment.news) To hear President Obama tell it, not only are health care premiums under his namesake health ‘reform’ law not …
(Freedom.news) President Obama and the Democrats who helped him pass the ‘Affordable’ Care Act have been defending the law recently, claiming …
(BigGovernment.news) President Obama has proven time and again that he isn’t much for keeping promises. He told us we could …
(Freedom.news) For nearly eight years President Obama has used race as a means of attacking police, blaming every cop shooting …
President Obama can claim all he wants that everything he’s done since taking office on the international level has been …
(Freedom.news) The FBI did another late-Friday document dump in relation to the records it has regarding the investigation of Hillary …