President-elect Trump
By JD Heyes
Gutting this federal law would immediately render the federal bureaucracy largely moot
Few Americans outside of politics have ever heard of the Administration Procedure Act of 1946, but it’s importance on the lives of every single one of us cannot be overstated. That’s because the law, codified in 5 U.S.C. §§ 551-559, marked the growth of the so-called ‘fourth branch of government,’ the behemoth federal bureaucracy, which […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Has Trump’s wall idea caught on with our soon-to-be ex-president?
( Throughout his campaign, President-elect Trump was heavily criticized by his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, and President Obama for his desire to build a wall along the southwestern border. But it seems like Obama has changed his mind–or, at a minimum, is engaging in stereotypical hypocrisy. As reported by TMZ: President Obama is taking a cue from Donald […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Are violent Left-wing anarchists plotting major disruptions during Trump’s inauguration?
( There have been rumors and various reports claiming that a myriad of groups are planning major protests and other disruptions during President-elect Donald J. Trump’s Jan. 20 inauguration, thus denying him the same courtesies of a peaceful transition of power that were afforded his predecessors, including the country’s first black president not named Bill Clinton. But […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Trump has the opportunity to reshape the federal judiciary and return it to its constitutional roots
( There is perhaps no better mechanism for a president to leave a lasting legacy than through the federal judiciary. Presidents–with Senate advice and, importantly, consent–name judges to the federal bench, as well as Supreme Court justices, all of whom serve lifetime appointments, lest they be impeached by Congress (which does not happen much). President Obama […]
By JD Heyes
Sales of survival food and prepping supplies crash as wave of optimism follows Trump’s election victory
Despite the continued protestations of a few snowflakes on college campuses and some Democratic lawmakers, optimism in the United States has soared since Donald J. Trump became the president-elect. Wall Street has responded positively, with the Dow climbing towards 20,000 and the U.S. dollar rising to its highest level in years. Overall “optimism,” as measured […]
By JD Heyes
If Democrats ran the Olympics, losers would all get gold medals, and winners would be accused of working for the Russians
During an appearance recently on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, President-elect Donald J. Trump was having none of the phony Democratic/media narrative that the Russians hacked the election in favor of him and to the detriment of his opponent, now two-time presidential loser Hillary Clinton. “I think it’s ridiculous,” Trump told the host. “I […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Congratulations–and a warning–for President-elect Donald Trump
( As expected, Donald J. Trump is on pace now to become our nation’s 45th president, despite furious efforts by the insane political Left to thwart his ascension to the Oval Office by attempting to convince enough electors to the Electoral College to abandon him, including the use of death threats. Here’s hoping soon-to-be-Attorney General Jeff Sessions […]
By usafeaturesmedia
More ‘mainstream media’ hypocrisy: Obama’s Cabinet picks were the REAL extremists
( To hear the lapdog and wholly discredited “mainstream media” tell it, President-elect Donald J. Trump is picking some very hard-core extremists to serve in his government. He chose someone who does not like or trust the Environmental Protection Agency (and knows that human-caused “climate change” is a hoax) to run that agency. He picked someone who is […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Obama moving to undermine Trump victory with fake ‘Russian hacking’ narrative
( If you believed that the lamest of lame-duck presidents, Barack Obama, was simply going to disappear quietly from the scene now that he’s in his final weeks, think again. The man who has worked tirelessly undermining our political and constitutional order since his earliest days in office is still at it. Just days ago, Obama […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Trump’s hip-pocket diplomacy has the media freaking out
( It’s going to be a long four (or eight) years for the hapless and illegitimate ‘mainstream media,’ members of which will spend it gasping and carping at just about everything a President Donald J. Trump administration does. On Saturday, The New York Times published what can only be described at a “freak out” piece on its […]
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