By JD Heyes
How to survive martial law
Could martial law ever really be implemented in the United States? Would the American people, by and large, accept it, and if so, under what circumstances, and for how long? The answers to these questions vary, of course, and in fact are purely speculative based at this point, because the last time the United States […]
By JD Heyes
Armed self-defense is a natural right… throughout nature, all forms of life practice self-defense
To hear Left-wing politicians and activists tell it, Americans don’t need firearms for self-defense because a gun is so seldom used for that purpose and besides, as long as we have police, government and the military, what is there to fear? But in reality, throughout human history Man (and woman) has used some form of […]
By JD Heyes
There are no FEMA camps, but there are ‘blacklists’ targeting outspoken liberty advocates, says James Wesley, Rawles
For years, members of the American patriot community have suspected that the government was building or maintaining so-called “FEMA camps” – institutions manned by the Federal Emergency Management Agency – to hold scores of government opponents and dissenters as part of a government crackdown on constitutionalists. But, according to former intelligence community member James Wesley, […]
By JD Heyes
SC lawmakers consider forcing journalists to register with the state to eliminate freedom of the press
South Carolina is considered a “red state” – that is, one whose legislature is dominated, supposedly, by small-government conservatives and whose governor, Nikki Haley, was a darling of the Tea Party when she was running for her first term. In fact, one of the most conservative of all U.S. senators, Tim Scott, was appointed by […]
By JD Heyes
Ted Cruz warns Americans, Obama wants ‘the United Nations to bind the United States, and take away our sovereignty’
Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas was the only thus far in a crowded GOP field to drop some political truth bombs regarding Barack Obama’s never-ending push to fundamentally transform America into something that the founding fathers would never recognize (unless, of course, they were looking across the Atlantic Ocean). In a recent Republican debate, Cruz noted that […]
By JD Heyes
In an era of mass rape by refugees, U.S. Supreme Court is about to rule stun guns and pepper spray illegal
For millions of Americans who live in gun-free zones – that is, cities and localities where elected officials refuse to extend to citizens their right to keep and bear arms in public – lesser forms of personal defense are permitted. Many of them carry pepper spray, “stun” guns and other non-lethal devices in order to […]
By JD Heyes
Obama regime likely ordered Facebook/Instagram ban on private firearm sales
There isn’t anything President Obama would not do to make it more difficult for Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights, including forcing the world’s biggest social media company to ban the sale of privately owned firearms. As reported by the Washington Examiner, the White House recently refused to say whether social media giant Facebook’s […]
By JD Heyes
Veterans suffering from PTSD: they fought for our country, yet they’re denied access to alternative medicine
When voters in Washington State and Colorado approved the sale and use of recreational marijuana, President Barack Obama – sworn to faithfully execute the laws of the land – took a pass on the fact that casual pot smoking remained a violation of federal law. “We’ve got bigger fish to fry” than to prosecute recreational […]
By JD Heyes
Montage captures 140 times Obama has lied to Americans during State of the Union speeches
Everyone except his most adoring, Kool-Aid-drinking fans, know that President Obama has an honesty problem. Just the lies he told about his Affordable Care Act so he could get it passed were epic. You can keep your doctor. Except when you can’t because your doctor doesn’t participate in your new plan. We’re going to work […]
By JD Heyes
Mainstream journalists utilizing Press to push nation-wide gun registration agenda
The Left-wing legacy media has become little more than a barking seal when it comes to the issue of guns in America and, in particular, Americans’ right to keep and bear them. A Feb. 24 “op-ed” by New York Times contributors Abner Mikva, a former federal judge, U.S. lawmaker, University of Chicago law professor, and […]
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