By usafeaturesmedia
Will Obama risk losing a Supreme Court appointee to his petulance and arrogance?
( Just when you thought there could be no more constitutional drama from a president who has tested the limits of the Executive Branch time and again during his tenure–and who has just 16 days left in his last term–there is yet one more opportunity for Barack Obama to tweak our noses, and the nation’s […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Trump has the opportunity to reshape the federal judiciary and return it to its constitutional roots
( There is perhaps no better mechanism for a president to leave a lasting legacy than through the federal judiciary. Presidents–with Senate advice and, importantly, consent–name judges to the federal bench, as well as Supreme Court justices, all of whom serve lifetime appointments, lest they be impeached by Congress (which does not happen much). President Obama […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Obama is trying to do to America what EU leaders have done to Europe with ‘refugee resettlement’
( Perhaps someday we’ll be treated to a glimpse inside the mind of a two-term U.S. president who so demonstrably hates the country he was elected to serve, and find out where this hatred comes from and why he has worked over the course of two terms to “fundamentally transform” it from a constitutional republic into […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Electors, do your duty and cast your ballot for the man who WON the election
( Left-wing malcontents and their Democratic enablers have been going all-out to steal the presidency from its rightful recipient, Donald J. Trump, by attacking a fundamental element of our republic: The Electoral College. Suddenly, liberals who normally have nothing but contempt for the Constitution and our nation’s founding principles and institutions have become constitutional experts, shouting […]
By usafeaturesmedia
More ‘mainstream media’ hypocrisy: Obama’s Cabinet picks were the REAL extremists
( To hear the lapdog and wholly discredited “mainstream media” tell it, President-elect Donald J. Trump is picking some very hard-core extremists to serve in his government. He chose someone who does not like or trust the Environmental Protection Agency (and knows that human-caused “climate change” is a hoax) to run that agency. He picked someone who is […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Symone Sanders: More proof that Democrats are the party of racism and racists
( Throughout the recent election cycle and beyond Americans have been treated to a steady diet of “Trump and his supporters are RACISTS!” It wasn’t true then and it isn’t true now. Pledging to enforce immigration laws is not an act of racism, it’s what responsible presidents do. And when Trump made several attempts to reach out […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Don’t let the conniving mainstream media convince you that Trump isn’t the man you voted for – he IS
( Last week after President-elect Donald J. Trump met with the Left-wing editors and reporters of The New York Times, that paper and the rest of the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party began “reporting” that the 45th president-in-waiting was backtracking on a lot of his campaign promises. The pledge to build a border wall […]
By usafeaturesmedia
The Democratic Party makes the greatest case for secession – and traditional America should let them go
( The modern Democratic Party is about as hard-left and ‘un-American’ as it gets. Now that the party has lost the White House, Congress and most statehouses and state legislatures, the whining bitches who run the party and their quisling supporters want to take their ball and go home. America, we should let them. In a piece that […]
By usafeaturesmedia
The real creators of ‘fake news’ are the mainstream media types who are all-in for Left-wing Democrats
( Struggling to remain relevant in the Information Age, the so-called ‘mainstream media’ is looking for some reason to explain how they could have been so wrong about Donald J. Trump and why, after dedicating their hearts and soul to Hillary Clinton they couldn’t push her fainting, wobbly behind across the finish line. Well, the MSM […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Have you read how Donald Trump wants to actually SHRINK the federal government? You should…
( Well, it’s finally election day and the country (and the world) will find out whether we’re going to be stuck with a serial criminal and her equally serial philandering husband as First Man, or a billionaire businessman who has spent his entire adult life creating things and knows what it takes to actually get things […]
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