Donald J. Trump
By JD Heyes
The Health Ranger was right: Republicans have no will to govern and are destroying Trump’s agenda
If you’re a supporter of the Republican Party or President Donald J. Trump, chances are good you were very optimistic and even hopeful that major changes would be coming to Washington, D.C., after the GOP kept its congressional majority and Trump defeated Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Though it’s still very early in the Trump presidency, […]
By JD Heyes
Venezuelan regime confiscated guns from citizens, just like Hillary Clinton would have done in America
Whether Donald J. Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8 was a case of superior campaigning, a poorly run Democratic effort, divine intervention – or a combination of all three – Americans are far better off with the former billionaire and reality TV host sitting in the Oval Office than the careerist politician with […]
By JD Heyes
The mainstream media lies about vaccines just like they lied about Donald Trump
One of the “mainstream” media’s narratives since President-elect Donald J. Trump “unexpectedly” defeated their chosen candidate, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, has been that the former was aided by “fake news” supplied to hundreds of legitimate news websites (including this one) by the Russian government. That massive lie has since been exposed as fake news in […]
By JD Heyes
Death threats from unhinged Leftists did nothing to sway Electoral College outcome; electors ignored the idiots and did their duty
In the weeks since Donald J. Trump handily vanquished his Democratic presidential foe, two-time loser Hillary Clinton, by winning majorities in states that haven’t voted for a Republican in decades, the angry, unhinged Left has been working overtime to intimidate and threaten members of the Electoral College into changing their vote and denying the billionaire […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Guess what? There has been NO economic growth under Obama, after all
( No serious economists have had to read tea leaves or look into a crystal ball in order to deduce that the U.S. economy under President Obama has been as stagnant as a room from of stale cigar smoke. But for some reason, the “official” reports regarding the Obama economy have all been rosy and sweet, aided and […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Trump hasn’t even taken office yet and he’s already saving and creating jobs
( White House spokesman Josh Earnest sounded like a petulant child a few days ago when a reporter asked him what President Obama thought about President-elect Donald J. Trump‘s agreement with Carrier – one of the last remaining air conditioner manufacturers in America – to keep 1,100 of about 2,000 jobs at its current Indiana […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Don’t let the conniving mainstream media convince you that Trump isn’t the man you voted for – he IS
( Last week after President-elect Donald J. Trump met with the Left-wing editors and reporters of The New York Times, that paper and the rest of the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party began “reporting” that the 45th president-in-waiting was backtracking on a lot of his campaign promises. The pledge to build a border wall […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Grudgingly, the establishment press is having to admit that life under Trump won’t be so bad after all
( The so-called “mainstream media,” like the political Left it represents, had a major hissy fit when billionaire business mogul Donald J. Trump defeated the criminally investigated Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8, claiming – among other things – that the world, as we know it, had ended. Nuclear war will follow. The markets will crash. The […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Yes, Democrats, voter fraud IS real and Trump is exactly right to be concerned about it
( Nobody likes a cheater – except, perhaps, other cheaters, which is why Democrats are in such good company when it comes to finding new and inventive ways to stay in power. One of the latest schemes being pursued by Democratic political machines on the local, state and federal levels is how best to stack […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Why doesn’t Loretta Lynch ‘guarantee’ the civil rights of Trump supporters?
( Every time President Obama or one his sycophantic appointees open their mouths, nothing spews from it except hypocrisy. Add Attorney General Loretta Lynch to that list. The once-respected former New York-based U.S. district attorney has been transformed from a prosecutor both sides of the political aisle could trust into another cog in the Left’s […]
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