By Mike Adams
BOMBSHELL: Could OMICRON be the CURE for covid? Highly infectious strain with “mild” symptoms could deliver worldwide natural immunity and make vaccines obsolete
Yesterday I interviewed Steve Kirsch, a highly intelligent, data-driven analyst who has been making huge wave on Substack with his articles on covid vaccines (and their long-term effects on humanity). That full interview will be posted today on my channel at In that interview, Kirsch dropped a bombshell. He explained that omicron so far […]
By Ethan Huff
Austria first Western country to force covid “vaccines” on all citizens … dissent will not be tolerated
In a first for the Western world, Austria has announced that come February, all citizens will need to be “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Until that time, the entire country is being plunged into yet another nationwide lockdown. This latest lockdown includes both vaccinated and unvaccinated residents, all of whom are being punished […]
By Ethan Huff
Pfizer CEO, a medical monster whose products are killing children, says anyone who utters “disinformation” about COVID is a CRIMINAL
If you are a medical professional with serious concerns about the safety and effectiveness of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” – or really any element of the plandemic – then Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla wants you in jail. In a recent interview, Bourla accused anyone in the medical profession who does not accept the plandemic narrative […]
By Mike Adams
Vaccine passports transform society into a dystopian NIGHTMARE, forcing unvaxxed to live like FUGITIVES
Vaccine passports turn every society into a dystopian nightmare, forcing unvaccinated people to live like fugitives, unable to buy groceries, fuel, medicine or even clothing, due to being banned from almost every retail establishment. They are also banned from banks, libraries and universities, denied access to financial services and higher education. A shocking eyewitness account […]
By Mike Adams
Mass walkouts against vaccine mandates begin NOW: November 8 – 11… but watch out for false flag operators exploiting protest crowds
Global mass walkouts have begun today in protest against unconstitutional vaccine mandates. The peaceful protest continues for four days, through Nov. 11th, and participants are asked to remain peaceful, avoid bringing weapons of any kind to such protests, and to film everything in order to document attempted false flag operations by deep state saboteurs. The […]
By News Editors
The New World Order we were warned was coming is now here and America will never be the same – medical martial law, empty shelves, radical socialism and more
2021 should have been a real eye opener for those Independent Media warned about the “NWO” aka the New World Order, where chaos is created just so radical politicians can use it to “create a solution” that limits even more rights and freedoms in America. (Article by Susan Duclos republished from What was it Obama’s White House […]
By Mike Adams
Preparing to THRIVE in the post-collapse economy: Scavenging, barter, off-grid food production and rescuing survivors
Today’s Situation Update podcast is a must-listen if you want to know what the post-collapse economy is going to look like. You’ll need new skills to survive and thrive, and those who aren’t prepared for what’s coming will perish. As covered in today’s podcast (below), it’s not difficult to see where things are headed. Here’s […]
By Mike Adams
ANALYSIS: Food rationing to be announced in America, followed by FOOD RIOTS and social unrest… Biden regime will invoke martial law in 2022
In today’s analysis, offered both here in article format as well as in the Situation Update podcast below, I reveal why food rationing is coming to America, followed by food riots. This is an analysis based on current data points and trends, including the collapse of agricultural fertilizer production (affecting crop yields throughout 2022), the […]
By Mike Adams
Hospital systems PURGE thousands of workers to engineer health care COLLAPSE just as the Dark Winter die-off accelerates
The purge of hospital workers with natural immunity is now under way, with The Epoch Times reporting that a large New York health care system has fired 1,400 employees for refusing to be injected with toxic spike protein nanoparticle bioweapons that are mislabeled “vaccines.” In Michigan, the Henry Ford hospital has seen the resignation of […]
By Mike Adams
To survive, red states must now NULLIFY the federal government and declare themselves “health freedom zones” that DENOUNCE the FDA, CDC and OSHA
With illegitimate occupier-in-chief Joe Biden waging outright war and economic terrorism against red states (see examples below), the leaders of those red states must now nullify federal government overreach in order to prevent their own citizens from being mass murdered by D.C. swamp policies that are intentionally designed to achieve depopulation. Some of the ways […]
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