News & Articles By Mary Wilder
By Mary Wilder
CONFIRMED: If elected, Hillary Clinton will slash gun freedoms by executive order
Hillary Clinton is the absolute worst. If you have been paying even the slightest bit of attention to American politics over the last decade, this should be abundantly clear. Whether it be her constant flip-flopping, seemingly never-ending scandals, war crimes or generally ridiculous policies, there’s not a whole lot to like about the Democrat presidential […]
By Mary Wilder
US government has still been involved in mass surveillance despite the USA Freedom Act
America is still considered the Land of the Free, despite the fact that there are numerous aspects of modern American life that directly infringe on that belief. We are still forced to pay taxes, we are still forced to obey the absurd regulations put forth by the corrupt federal government of the United States and […]
By Mary Wilder
‘Green money’: New businesses are being created to support the medical marijuana industry
Now more than ever, it is clear that we as American citizens are in full support of complete marijuana legalization. Many of us have been extremely vocal about our desire to see the decriminalization of cannabis, while others are less concerned about the issue, but do admit to supporting the concept when asked. These days, it […]
By Mary Wilder
Hillary praised communist China leader
In yet another “you can’t make this stuff up” moment from the Hillary Clinton campaign trail, the Democrat presidential nominee has seemingly unintentionally compared her party to that of communist China. No matter how hard the Regressive Left tries, they just can’t stop shooting themselves in the foot due to their pure incompetence. At private […]
By Mary Wilder
Police state Amerika: You can now be arrested for asking questions in a library
To many Americans, libraries are somewhat of a sacred place. An entire establishment dedicated to knowledge and new information, libraries are a staple of our society that should be held in high regard. For people who want questions answered by real-life people instead of search engines on the internet, libraries are the best place to […]
By Mary Wilder
Two of the nation’s top human rights organizations say to ‘decriminalize use of all illegal drugs’
When you take an honest look at America in 2016, you really have to wonder how this country is still referred to as the Land of the Free. To be perfectly frank, there are some serious infringements on our freedoms — both constitutional and human — taking place today, and there’s no time like the present […]
By Mary Wilder
WikiLeaks reveals Hillary’s admin discussing which shootings will help her gun control agenda
One of the most frustrating political arguments for libertarians and conservatives is that of the Second Amendment. To any logical person, it should be abundantly clear that there is no reason to infringe on this right in any way, shape or form. Our country was founded on the right to bear arms and we all […]
By Mary Wilder
Does a WikiLeaks email link Hillary to the the assassination of Justice Scalia?
By this point, it’s hard to deny the obvious connection between the Clinton family and the mysterious deaths of many of those who have opposed them over the years. While it first seemed like nothing more than an internet meme, it has become so prevalent that it’s worth looking into — though it’s obvious that […]
By Mary Wilder
Portland judge calls to have all guns banned – including police
No matter how many times their attempts are proven to be completely worthless and unconstitutional, the Regressive Left just won’t stop attempting to repeal the Second Amendment in increasingly ridiculous fashion. For whatever reason, they view guns as a source of evil — as opposed to human beings or radical ideologies — and have stopped […]
By Mary Wilder
Marijuana doesn’t cause lung cancer or impair lung function
Lies regarding cannabis are nothing new, having been lurking around American society for nearly a century now, but that doesn’t make them any less annoying to hear. Especially when you consider the fact that these lies exist for the sole purpose of billionaires lining their pockets with more and more dirty money, they are incredibly upsetting. […]
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