12/24/2019 / By JD Heyes
Democrats overreach when they are in power — that’s just what they do — and newly-empowered Virginia Democrats are no different.
The state already had a Democrat governor — Ralph “Coon Man” Northam — and Democrats managed to capture both chambers of the state legislature last November for the first time in years.
And what did they do? Almost immediately Democrats began pledging to pass restrictive new gun control laws that include provisions to empower local law enforcement with the authority to confiscate lawfully owned firearms that would suddenly become unlawful under new bans (think ‘assault weapons’).
Though Democrats have not formally taken control yet, they will in just a few short weeks. And there’s no indication yet that any one gun proposal is going to pass. But Virginians aren’t waiting around to see their Second Amendment rights shattered again by Left-wing anti-gun sycophants.
A “gun sanctuary” movement began in the state some weeks ago as local jurisdictions — county boards and city councils — passed ordinances declaring they would not enforce any new gun control laws (especially those requiring police to confiscate guns) they believe violated the spirit and the letter of the Second Amendment (which says that the ‘right to keep and bear firearms shall not be infringed,’ period).
That movement has now encompassed some 90 percent of the state’s counties and local jurisdictions, sending a giant middle finger to Richmond and to the Democrat majority that they can find a way to enforce new gun laws without their assistance.
“I did not think it would be that high of a number,” said sanctuary advocate and Culpeper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins, in an interview with the Washington Examiner.
“It’s an organic thing that just took off after Election Day. Elections have consequences, and this is the result. This has truly rocked the conservative, libertarian group’s core. It has really shook a lot of them awake. They are fully awake,” he added.
Clearly, Virginians aren’t going to just sit back and take it.
The news site noted further:
Remarkably, the effort has not seen a big push from the National Rifle Association. Local groups, notably the Virginia Citizens Defense League, have led the campaign that has brought thousands of gun-rights advocates to county board meetings.
It has also become the national model for the movement that has now reached Illinois, Washington, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, New Jersey, Florida, and Tennessee. Illinois is credited with starting the movement.
Supporters of gun sanctuaries posted pictures of jam-packed county and city courthouses and council meeting rooms filled to the brim with concerned citizens who came to show their opposition to the denial of a basic civil right.
Chairman of the Prince Edward board of supervisors says there are at least 550 people in attendance, and says supervisors have a “pretty good idea” of how the residents of the county feel.
The county is limiting comments to 12 speakers on each side. pic.twitter.com/YLg16jNFdU
— Cam Edwards (@CamEdwards) December 18, 2019
And while Democrats and gun-grabbing supporters say that the laws being proposed are “reasonable” because “no one needs an assault weapon,” that old, debunked argument ignores the very plain language of the Second Amendment’s infringement clause.
The founders did not include a provision within the amendment giving government representatives wiggle room to decide what a “reasonable” firearm is; either it’s a gun or it’s not. And if it is, then the Constitution is clear: There can be no restrictions on ownership or even where said guns can be carried.
Of course, that’s in a perfect world and we don’t live in one. Besides, far too many Americans have been conditioned to accept ‘reasonable’ restrictions and limitations on many of our basic constitutional rights, even going so far as to agree that limits on certain forms of political and cultural speech are okay (they aren’t).
Will Virginia’s newly empowered Democrats follow through on their promise to enact new restrictive gun control measures? Probably, but they should be prepared to find a way to enforce those laws on their own because they’re not going to get much help from the vast majority of the state.
Read GunSanctuaries.com to stay up to date on the pro-2A sanctuary movement.
Sources include:
Tagged Under:
civil rights, Constitution, democrats, freedom, gun control, gun laws, gun rights, gun sanctuaries, infringement, Liberty, militias, patriots, reasonable, Second Amendment, Virginia
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