02/05/2018 / By Lance D Johnson
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is essentially the vaccine compliance and enforcement division of the pharmaceutical industry. Their newly developed program, Immunization Information Systems (IIS), is part of the roll out of a kind of “medical police state” which would allow the government to monitor and track the mandatory vaccine compliance of every citizen.
This data is collected automatically; there is no consent. The database tracks your personal and family health decisions, even when you say NO to a vaccine. The database will identify areas of “under vaccination” and track citizens who are not in compliance with the current childhood and adult vaccine schedules.
According to their 2013-2017 functional standards, the IIS requires the following information in their database: patient name, birth date, sex, race, ethnicity, birth order, birth state, mother’s name, vaccine type, vaccine manufacturer, vaccination date, and vaccination lot number. If a vaccine is refused, that information is collected, too. State vaccine registries are used to help compile the data.
The data only becomes valuable when it is shared; this is why the IIS reserves the right to share your personal vaccination status to “healthcare providers, public health, and other authorized stakeholders” in all 50 states. The IIS also declares they can share the information with schools, daycare, and child camps, giving these institutions the data they need to enforce vaccine compliance. The language used by IIS is vague; the data could fall into the possession of any industry or government enforcement that has a financial incentive to see that you and your children are vaccinated as much as possible.
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Why else would this information be collected in the first place? The vaccine industry is a $30 billion industry worldwide and the CDC buys and sells over $4 billion in vaccines, while owning over 20 patents on vaccines. The World Health Organization encourages further investment in vaccines, predicting the industry to grow to $100 billion annually by 2025. There are 69 recommended doses on the childhood vaccine schedule, which is set up by the CDC. There are also 100 doses on the adult schedule and an additional 270+ vaccines in the developmental pipeline. The CDC openly and haughtily states that their goal is to get 95 percent or greater vaccine compliance, as if consent, body autonomy, and personal decision-making in health care no longer exists.
The CDC sees unvaccinated individuals as a threat to their agenda. By their testimony alone, healthy unvaccinated individuals and children debunk the advertised “need” for these vaccines. Children and adults who are routinely damaged by vaccines are a glaring example of the vaccine industry’s unchecked abuses. These people, often stereotyped as “anti-vaxxers” are viewed as a threat to this industry; therefore, the CDC needs this IIS surveillance system.
The IIS is a potentially dangerous database because its purpose will be to track people who do not vaccinate to find ways to make them comply, whether by advertisement, force, or coercion. Child and Protective Services are already called upon to kidnap children when parents refuse to vaccinate their child. For instance, consider the nurses who are now being fired for refusing to vaccinate. Their employer has the data they need to discriminate against them. With IIS, there is no privacy with your health records. Your health records could be used against you to threaten your termination from employment and accuse you of putting the public at risk of infectious disease, even when there is no evidence to suggest you are a carrier of infectious disease. In fact, those who vaccinate with live attenuated flu virus vaccines emit 630 percent more flu virus aerosols on average than the unvaccinated. Viral shedding is a real problem with vaccines that perpetuates illnesses in society, but this fact is overlooked.
If you doubt these surveillance systems are being used in a witch hunt and you are naïve to the way the world works, consider that the CDC has already gained the power to implement Community Preventive Services Task Forces. These tasks forces were developed with the passage of U.S. Senate H.R. 3590, a law that gives the CDC the power to seek out unvaccinated children locally. On page 1202 of Public Law No. 111-148, the CDC’s tasks forces can carry out “immunization-promoting strategies for participants or clients of public programs, including assessments of immunization status, referrals to health care providers, education, provision [provide] of on-site immunizations, or incentives for immunization.”
Furthermore, the CDC gained the power for “providing for home visits that promote immunization through education, assessments of need, referrals, provision of immunizations, or other services” and can “conduct assessments of and provide feedback to, immunization providers” using “immunization information systems to allow all States to have electronic databases for immunization records.”
The CDC is essentially a militant enforcement branch of the vaccine industry, not a public safety agency. The anti-American IIS database is a surveillance system that can only result in a grave abuse of power. The IIS should be redacted at once. (For more, visit Vaccines.News.)
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Tagged Under: CDC, child health, consent, CPS, facism, government tracking, Medical Kidnapping, medical police state, obedience, Orwellian, personal liberty, privacy, privacy watch, propaganda, socialist medicine, surveillance systems, Tyranny, vaccine compliance, vaccine tracking, Witch Hunt