Obama signs massive land grab in Nevada and Utah near Bundy ranch, setting up another potential clash as he leaves office

If you haven’t figured out by now that President Obama is doing all he can to sabotage and trip up President-elect Donald J. Trump before he takes office, then you’re not paying attention. As time runs out on his presidency, he is doing everything he can to make Trump’s first years in office as chaotic and treacherous as possible.

To wit, Obama just signed an executive order designating a massive amount of land in Nevada and Utah as the Golden Butte National Monument—a portion of which just happens to be near lands owned and operated by Cliven Bundy, who, along with supporters, engaged in an armed standoff with Bureau of Land Management personnel just a few years ago over long-claimed grazing rights for Bundy’s cattle. And the grab does include land that the Bundy’s have used to graze their cattle.

Is Obama exacting some payback, while at the same time attempting to provoke an armed incident which he would certainly use for his own political advantage while disrupting the incoming Trump administration? It sure looks that way.

As reported by Intellihub, the massive new land grab includes the very site of the Bundy Ranch standoff, in addition to land very close to the Bundy Ranch itself. “With this move Obama has possibly triggered another armed standoff while also heading off any moves set to be made by incoming President Donald Trump,” the site reported.

Administration says environment, Native Americans prompted action but, as usual, that’s not true

According to a fact sheet published by the White House, Obama’s order designates “two new national monuments, protecting sacred sites, spectacular scenery, and important natural and cultural resources in the desert landscapes of southeastern Utah and southern Nevada. The creation of the Bears Ears National Monument in Utah and the Gold Butte National Monument in Nevada follow years of robust public input from tribes, local elected officials, and diverse stakeholders, and draws from legislation introduced in Congress.”

The fact sheet also acknowledged that the radical Obama has also taken away more land from states and the people than any previous president, as if that’s something to be proud of. Add to that the fact that the federal government already owned more than 85 percent of all lands in Nevada, while owning a sizeable portion of Utah’s land as well.

Intellihub reported that at present, it’s difficult to know actually how much land Obama just grabbed, under the phony guise of “environmental protection” and deference to “Native American tribes.”

In an interview, Jason Vantatenhove, national media director for Oathkeepers and founder of Ex-Media, told Natural News there were several political implications to the grab.

“This will wind up in the political arena,” he said, adding that in reality, unlike what the White House is claiming, there are actually a number of “indigenous tribes fighting against it,” as well as local political leaders.

Vantatenhove said the administration’s lie about taking action on behalf of Native Americans to preserve their land is par for the course. He said he’s learned that over the years, having been at the first Bundy standoff as well as other citizen actions against the federal government, including the Malheur standoff in Oregon in January and, more recently, the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota.

Follow the money?

At present, he told Natural News, there are no plans for armed militia groups to take up positions near the Bundy Ranch, and there have been no moves by federal agencies to mark off the new federal preserves.

But that could change at a moment’s notice. And he did say that some groups had put calls out to their members to prepare to move to the area.

“This Golden Butte area doesn’t include the Bundy Ranch but it does include a good portion of their grazing allotment, where the original legal conflict began” in 2014, Vantatenhove said. And that could certainly inflame the issue because the Bundy’s have invested a lot of money in the infrastructure there, including cultivating and developing water sources.

Cliven, along with sons Ryan and Ammon, remain in jail on charges stemming from the Malheur standoff.

Vantatenhove also speculated that there could be a financial reason for the land grab. He noted that the Golden Butte region contained one of the country’s largest gold reserves, and is also home to several deposits of very valuable minerals.

“Just follow the money,” he said. “You look at Malheur, it’s the same thing. It’s got one of the world’s richest deposits” of uranium, which is vital in the manufacture of nuclear energy and nuclear missiles, as well as gold, he said.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for Natural News and News Target, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.




