DEA lashes out at states’ rights for defending cannabis consumers against federal intervention

One of the major stories of 2016 was the ridiculous manner in which the federal government handled the growing acceptance of cannabis on the local level. Instead of reconsidering their position on the plant, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has refused to label cannabis as anything other than a Schedule I drug — meaning that they still consider it as harmful as heroin. Yes, their delusion and corruption has become that strong.

Now the DEA has gotten even worse as they’re trying to shame individual states for legalizing the recreational and medical usage of cannabis. This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise since the federal government seems determined to slowly destroy states’ rights, but that doesn’t make it any less disgusting. They clearly do not care about states or individuals and this further proves that.

Jason Barker of Weed News reports, “Prohibition of cannabis is not a fundamental right that should be imposed on the states by the federal government, it’s a choice that states should be allowed to make based on their culture and their values-allowing states to once again be laboratories of democracy.” Barker is absolutely correct. The federal government should not be infringing on the rights of the states, but that hasn’t stopped them yet.

The DEA continues to try and convince everyone that they know more than all of us. All of the scientific evidence that has been revealed that helps prove all of the health benefits that come with the consumption of cannabis are completely disregarded by the DEA and other sects of the federal government. When people speak out against their lies, they are silenced immediately. After decades of this happening over and over, the American people are finally opening their eyes to what is really going on — and they clearly are not pleased.

It is time for the federal government to respect the rights of the people and the individual states. Instead of refusing to accept that they may have the wrong vision for what is the best future for the people, they need to realize that we want and need change — especially when it comes to the way cannabis is viewed in our country. If it is legalized across the country, the lives of many will improve overnight.

The health and economic benefits of cannabis are endless and allowing the states to determine whether or not it should be legalized is vital. With that system in effect, it is only a matter of time before legalization occurs.


