Meet Alan Horujko – the heroic young police officer who saved lives at Ohio State by taking action

By all accounts, Officer Alan Horujko is a hero. Acting quickly and efficiently, Horujko certainly saved numerous lives by shooting and killing attacker Abdul Razak Ali Artan. During a day and age when police officers frequently find themselves being criticized by the public – admittedly for good reason, in some instances – it is extremely refreshing to see good cops actually trying to make the world a safer place for American citizens.

Fox News reports, “Officer Alan Horujko, who had only joined the department in January 2015, was responding to reports of a nearby gas leak when the suspect jumped a curb on campus at around 9:52 a.m. Horujko ordered the attacker, later identified as Abdul Razak Ali Artan, to drop the butcher’s knife and then shot him when he didn’t obey the command, university president Michael Drake said.”

Sadly, it took the Regressive Left mere minutes to begin questioning whether or not Horujko had done the right thing. Because, in the leftist mind, allowing people to die is more appropriate than using a firearm. That is how insane these people have become in recent years. Instead of praising an actual hero for saving people’s lives, the mainstream media has found a way to turn a positive into a negative and, in turn, push the belief that police officers are evil, no matter what.

Thankfully, Americans all over the country have a very different view of the situation, and have expressed their support of the heroic young man who has left the nation as a whole inspired. The manner in which he rose to the occasion and acted quickly in order to protect people who, in that instance, could not protect themselves, is something that should put a smile on the faces of everyone who cares about the freedoms we celebrate in this country.

One of the greatest side effects of this horrific ordeal is how the American people, as a whole, have gathered around Horujko and his department in support of his commitment to protect and serve. With all of the negativity in the world today, it is always nice to see good people supporting other good people, which is what is happening here. It is a shame that Horujko was forced to kill anyone, but Artan’s reign of terror had to come to an end, and it is important that everyone recognize that.

Our lives matter to them, so blue lives should matter to us.

