Female student challenges anti-Trump rhetoric at women’s college, gets kicked out for her views

Following the election of president-elect Donald Trump, leftists collectively lost their minds. While the mainstream media were likely the worst offenders of overreacting to this victory — especially since they were partly responsible for Trump winning — the liberal college administrators have been a close second.

After years and years of indoctrinating college students, these professors and other staff members are now becoming increasingly violent about whether or not students believe their lies. Converse College in Spartanburg, South Carolina is no different. A lefty professor at the school recently compared Trump’s victory to a legitimate American tragedy, which led to one brave student challenging her views only to be kicked out for her opinion.

In an article published by The College Fix, Grace Curtis, who attends Converse College, writes, “The professor told the class ‘I haven’t felt this way since 9/11’ and called Nov. 9 the second worst day in American history, according to the student. That spurred her to disagree and tell her professor it was disrespectful to those who lost their lives on 9/11.” The student reportedly stated, “I went to her class and got kicked out for expressing my opinion … I have never been so disgusted in my life.”

This kind of behavior has become far too common in this day and age. Different opinions are only acceptable on many college campuses as long as they are different in the exact same way. Students are no longer encouraged to express their views if they may upset other people in their classrooms. This completely goes against the values that higher learning establishments should, yet it continues to happen every single day.

Treating Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton as if it were some sort of catastrophic event on the same scale as American tragedies like September 11th is misguided at best and completely delusional at worst. The man hasn’t even taken office yet and some people are treating his presidency as if it were a total disaster. It is not fair at all and it just goes to show how badly the leftists want him to fail so that they can say, “We told you so.”

Unfortunately for them, every logical person remembers that they were fighting to get Hillary Clinton elected and she would have been far worse for our country than Trump is likely to be. So everyone, the mainstream media and college professors especially, need to take a step back and realize how ridiculous they have been acting.





