Mysterious Manhattan skyscraper exposed by former AT&T employees as major NSA spy hub

Based solely on what we already know about the NSA, there is no reason for any American citizens to trust them or their practices. They have been infringing on the United States Constitution and spying on innocent people simply because they are able to do so. It is a twisted practice that should be treated as such, yet the mainstream media refuses to acknowledge this because they don’t want to bite the hand that feeds them (the federal government).

New evidence has been revealed that shows just how far the NSA is willing to go in order to spy on the American people — and it is sure to leave you feeling extremely frustrated and unsettled.

Former employees at AT&T have blown the whistle on a mysterious, unmarked skyscraper in Manhattan as being a spy hub for the NSA. Having gone relatively undetected in a city as large and busy as Manhattan, it makes sense why the feds chose this location to set up shop. Under the code name TITANPOINTE, the skyscraper has been surveilling law-abiding Americans.

Ryan Gallagher and Henrik Moltke of The Intercept report, “The NSA’s documents also reveal that one of TITANPOINTE’s functions is to conduct surveillance as part of a program called SKIDROWE, which focuses on intercepting satellite communications. That is a particularly striking detail, because on the roof of 33 Thomas Street there are a number of satellite dishes. Federal Communications Commission records confirm that 33 Thomas Street is the only location in New York City where AT&T has an FCC license for satellite earth stations.” This is very suspicious to put it lightly.

So why isn’t this story on the front page of every major newspaper in America? Why aren’t mainstream media outlets informing the United States that this is happening? It’s clear that they are the “fake news” much more than alternative media. We should all be concerned about this kind of corruption in our country because it directly affects us in a negative way.

We are supposed to be the Land of the Free, but organizations like the NSA infringe on that moniker in an almost ironic way. If we cannot receive privacy within our own homes then we are in serious trouble, but that appears to be what is happening.

The American people need to hold Trump’s feet to the fire and demand that he take the steps necessary in order to ensure that more TITANPOINTEs are not created in the future. If he wants to Make America Great Again, this is where to start.


