New SJW app allows students to report and track ‘microaggressions’ on campus

While Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton was a major win against the regime of political correctness that has been infecting the American public for years now, the war is far from over. The leftists have fought tooth and nail to make sure that we all submit to their cultural demands and we have rejected them with a firm “No.”

Unfortunately, college students in America have not been so resilient and many have completely given in to their demands. Instead of treating colleges and universities as places to exchange ideas, learn new things and gain knowledge on a variety of subjects, the Regressive Left has turned college campuses into safe spaces for children. They offer coloring books and therapy dogs to students upset by differing opinions, for crying out loud. By treating their student body as if it were a kindergarten class, educators are destroying our hope for the future.

Now things are getting even more ridiculous, because a new app has been created that allows students to report the most ridiculous of all offenses — microaggressions. Christy Byrd, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, has created the app to gain and track data regarding microaggressions on college campuses. Seriously.

Tom Ciccotta of Breitbart writes, “Byrd says that she hopes the app allows her to learn more about ‘where most people draw a line between microaggressions and overt discrimination,’ adding that ‘even the existing research is not totally clear on where that is.’ She claims that even though the data collected by the app is subjective based on the perception of an encounter by the user, the data is still viable and worthy of analysis.”

No, this isn’t a satirical takedown of the outrage generation — this is 100% real. The left continues to treat young adults like children, which has led to them having an army of oversensitive crybabies. They thought this would lead to them winning votes from these newfound liberals, but it hasn’t. All they are doing is making it easier for us conservatives and other logical people to show exactly why it is so dangerous to have leftists in positions of power.

We have to continue fighting for truth and logic in this country. The past eight years of “progressiveness” have led us down a path of stupidity that will take some time to recover from. All hope isn’t lost, but we cannot stop fighting for this. Until microaggression apps are laughed out of the building, we cannot stop fighting.


