Medical marijuana may soon be available in Canada’s largest pharmacy chain: Shoppers Drug Mart

There’s no denying that cannabis is becoming increasingly accepted in America. More people than ever seem to be rejecting the ridiculous claims that it is an evil drug that is just as dangerous and deadly as heroin, which is a major win for those who care about freedom and liberty. The growing popularity of CBD oils and hemp products go to show that we are winning the battle — but there’s still a long way to go in America.

In Canada, things seem to be on the verge of following a similar route, much to the benefit of the Canadian people. The largest drug store chain in the country, Shoppers Drug Mart, has announced that they are trying to gain government permission to sell marijuana to the patients that frequent its store. As it turns out, this could very well happen.

Andrew Blake of The Washington Times reports, “More than 75,000 Canadians participate in the national government’s medical marijuana program as of June 30, but current law only allows patients to obtain their prescriptions from licensed producers through the mail. With legislative changes likely to occur across the board in the couple years, however, Shoppers has begun laying the groundwork to potentially become Canada’s first legal coast-to-coast pot dispensary.” If the government listens, this could be massive for Canadian citizens that are looking to utilize a natural medicine to cure their illnesses instead of a chemical created in a lab.

Time and time again, medical marijuana has proven to be a useful and important tool in order to help fight all sorts of diseases, illnesses and symptoms, yet the powers that be have done everything in their power in order to keep it out of the hands of people in need. They continue to lie and push the idea that we should indulge in Big Pharma chemicals instead of natural alternatives. Thankfully, the American public at large has woken up to the fact that they are trying to get us addicted to their products, so they can keep lining their pockets with more and more money.

We owe a lot to businesses like Shoppers Drug Mart that are doing their part in bringing the people the products they need in order to ensure healthier lives. We need more pharmacies like that in America, because if there is anything we’ve learned thus far this year, it’s that we need a whole lot of help in order to survive.


