‘Tolerant’ educators are demanding students who voted for Trump leave campus

A long, long time ago (around four years or so), college campuses were viewed as a safe haven of free thought and free expression. Students on these campuses could express themselves without having to worry about their free speech being infringed upon.  They did not have to fear what may happen to them if they were to go against the status quo. Sadly, those days are long gone as the highly-liberal, “tolerant” professors that are currently “teaching” classes on these campuses are starting to resemble fascists instead of educators.

It has been reported that students who openly support(ed) Donald Trump are being shunned from college campuses — by their professors — for supporting a candidate different from that of the liberal majority. They are demanding that anyone with a different opinion flee from sight because they don’t fit into the same bubble as all of the leftists occupying the space. This is happening all over the country and it is unsettling.

Glenn Harland Reynolds of USA Today weighs in, stating, “It’s not promoting diversity; it’s enforcing uniformity. It’s not promoting inclusion; it’s practicing exclusion. And though it pretends to be about nurturing, it’s actually about being mean to those who don’t fall in the nurtured class. Schlissel wrote he wants the university to be ‘a welcoming place for all members of society,’ but how welcome can students who backed Trump feel in the wake of this performance?

Colleges and universities have always been places where people were supposed to exchange different ideas, but they are quickly becoming a place where ideas are unwelcome. For anyone who appreciates knowledge, learning and education, this is extremely upsetting. But while the battle may have been lost, the war is far from over.

If there is anything that Donald Trump being elected as the next president of the United States has proven, it’s that there is a whole population within the United States that is actively rejecting political correctness. There are people who values facts over opinions and acknowledge that there is nothing wrong with having a little bit of fun or making a few jokes. The leftists are an extremely loud minority, but they do not speak for the average American.

No, the average American still believes in freedom of speech. During a time when so much seems uncertain, we can all take solace in the fact that traditional American ideals still exist. Things may be rough at the moment, but America is on its way to becoming great again.

And college campuses aren’t excluded from that.





