Legalizing marijuana can help END the War on Drugs – instead of wasting $1 TRILLION in tax dollars annually

One of the most frustrating things about life in 2016 is the ridiculous fact that cannabis still isn’t legalized across the United States. During a time when the freedoms of the American people are constantly in jeopardy, it is especially infuriating that a plant that grows naturally is outlawed simply because the federal government makes money off of its manmade alternatives. It’s a testament to just how twisted the powers that be have become, when they deny their people a basic freedom because it will cost them money, but that is precisely what they are doing right now.

What is even more frustrating is that if marijuana were legalized in the United States, the disastrous War on Drugs could effectively be ended overnight, instead of continuing to waste a trillion dollars in taxpayer money every single year.

In an interview with  The Anti Media, cannabis expert Amir Zendehnam stated, “The economics of the cannabis industry show us that with healthy competition in the market, prices drop, quality rises, violence diminishes, and peaceful transactions increase. As constant new research emerges detailing the plant’s benefits, the negative stigma of using cannabis, both medicinally and recreationally, is diminishing, raising the demand for high quality product.”

Basically, through tax dollars, the American people are paying the federal government to help take away their freedoms by funding the unnecessary and wasteful War on Drugs. This is a prime example of why the conservatives and libertarians of the world feel so strongly that taxation is theft. We have no say in where the federal government is spending our money and most of the time it is somewhere that most of us disagree with strongly — if not completely.

It has been proven time and time again that the powers that be will not do anything to help improve the lives of the American people. All they care about is themselves, and they know that they — and the pharmaceutical companies that help fund their causes — will lose lots of money if the American people have the option of legally purchasing marijuana as opposed to the chemical-ridden pills that they continue to peddle.

While the presidential election is the one that the most people are talking about right now — and rightfully so — we need to take a stand and elect politicians that are going to fight for the rights of the American people. The finish line is in sight when it comes to the legalization of marijuana, but we must do our part to kickstart the process.


