Big Brother: Fingerprints, body scan and mugshot offered as ‘solution’ to clearing airport security more quickly

With each passing day, we get closer and closer to the inevitable dystopian society that the Regressive Left desperately seems to want the United States of America to become. While supporting the NSA, the TSA and all of the other Big Brother-like organizations that the federal government seems to shove down our throats, the leftists are actually supporting the complete and total enslavement of the American people.

While things have been terrible in this regard for quite some time now, they are only going to get worse.

A new identification technology called CLEAR is now being implemented in airports that is being marketed as a way to speed up the security process. It will include high-resolution photos of traveler’s faces, and all 10 fingerprints will be placed in a registry. Travelers will still need to pass through x-rays and full body scans. The TSA is one of the most worthless organizations in the nation, and the last thing any of us need is for them to obtain even more of our personal information.

And that’s not the only problem with this new technology.

The Daily Sheeple fears that there are a number of dangerous implications that come with CLEAR, writing, “It should be considered that the airport may not keep your records private. Once your biometrics are recorded in the CLEAR database, this information can be sold to third-party companies … CLEAR could be the ‘soft sell’ strategy to incentivize travelers to provide this information for convenience so that it could be used to identify individuals everywhere they go.”

Big Brother is alive and well in the United States, with more and more of our private information being stolen and sold to various corporations for financial gain. The federal government that we once believed was installed to protect us, has been treating us like profit-generating slaves. Furthermore, the American people need to stop accepting these kinds of fates as being unavoidable.

The only way the surveillance problem in America will change is if we demand that it does. We cannot sit around and accept that we are being watched everywhere we go. We cannot accept that all of our private information is being obtained and logged by government organizations.

While CLEAR is being pitched as the answer to all of our problems, it could be terrifying in the long run. We need to avoid the dystopian future at all costs – and the first step we can take in that regard is to spread the truth about these types of technologies.

