Big Pharma’s costly scheme: forced mandatory injections in prison – at taxpayer’s expense

If you take a good, close look at many of the problems with corruption in the United States today, you will notice that the pharmaceutical industry is often one of the primary instigators. Their connection with other big businesses and the federal government has made them a major threat to both natural health advocates and people who value liberty and freedom. When you consider the fact that in addition to being corrupt, Big Pharma has duped the American people into funding many of their ventures with appropriated tax dollars, it is no wonder that so many people have grown tired of the chemical peddlers.

Unfortunately, that hasn’t stopped them from pursuing other endeavors to continue to suck the money out of our pockets. Take, for instance, the fact that Big Pharma has now taken over American prisons, where they are forcing prisoners to take psychotropic drugs in order to treat their mental illnesses — many people in our country strongly disagree with this sentiment.

Health Impact News reports, “We all need to utilize safe, effective, and economical alternatives to lucrative Big Pharma drugs. We also need to break the government protected monopoly that allows a company to charge $1,000 per pill. But so long as the money keeps flowing back and forth between Pharma and public officials, it will be difficult to rein in the current plague of crony medicine.”

Whether or not you agree with criminals receiving healthcare in general is up for debate, but the fact that free American citizens are being forced to pay for it is truly upsetting. We shouldn’t be paying for anyone else’s health coverage, much less the criminals of the world, but that is exactly what the federal government is demanding that we do just that.

So long as the powers that be are forcing all of us to help fund the efforts of Big Pharma in a totally unconstitutional fashion, we can never truly be free. Since they know that none of us would ever choose to support an industry that is intentionally poisoning all of us, they find ways to make us through the use — or abuse — of taxation.

This is the federal government in a nutshell. Even if the American people don’t want the same things as the government, the powers that be will find a way to force us to fund it anyway. It’s a level of corruption that should be exposed for all the world to see — and that is exactly what we intend to do.


