The closing act of the most criminal regime in history: Obama tells illegals to vote WITHOUT repercussions

( If you thought the lawlessness of Barack Obama had reached its peak with his involvement in the cover-up of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s criminal conduct, you were wrong.

Now, in one last desperate act to get her elected so his “legacy” will continue, this president has just told people in the country illegally to vote. And furthermore, he says if they do, he’ll ensure they won’t be prosecuted.

Here’s the video, which was originally presented by Fox Business host Neil Cavuto (per Gateway Pundit):

In case you were wondering, yes…the mere hint, the mere suggestion, that anyone who is not in the United States should vote is about as lawless as it gets.

Outraged? You should be. But you may get even angrier when you hear that constitutionally speaking, Obama knows there is nothing anyone can do to stop him

Constitutionally speaking, there are only two ways to stop this president which, by the way, are the same two ways members of Congress have steadfastly refused to consider despite this president’s repeated violations of the law and the document he swore to uphold: Impeachment, and recourse through the federal court system.

And Obama knows that neither of those options is going to be used.

Impeachment is off the table because even if the House voted to impeach, there aren’t enough senators who care more about that country than their own political party to do the right thing and convict him, even it’s his last day in office.

And the courts don’t move quickly enough for redress of this grievance.

So what can be done?

At this stage, the only real option is to play Obama’s game and do whatever it takes to ensure that elections are being decided by American citizens. And if that means polling places in the States have to take extraordinary measures to make sure voters are legitimate by whatever means possible to ensure their identities, that’s what they should do.

Oh, but the [corrupt] Obama Justice Department may threaten to take action!

Let Obama threaten. Like Obama is outmaneuvering Congress on the constitutional options for stopping this lawlessness, states should play their very considerable hands and dare this president to prosecute them for essentially upholding federal voting statutes. There’s no way the Justice Department can sue every state or disrupt every polling center.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And times are desperate because the most lawless president ever to sit in the Oval Office has made them so.

He has laid down the gauntlet. States should call him on it.


(c) 2016 USA Features Media.
