Obama has to lie about his signature healthcare reform law to hide his incompetence

(BigGovernment.news) To hear President Obama tell it, not only are health care premiums under his namesake health ‘reform’ law not an expensive deal for most of the country, in reality they are only going up for a “handful of people.”

Such ridiculous rhetoric is, of course, little more than calculated political pabulum – red meat for the Left-wing sycophants who can’t wait to pull the lever for Hillary Clinton, the one presidential candidate who has promised to double down on it.

But given that Obamacare is collapsing faster than belief that Clinton is honest is something that cannot be hidden. It cannot be lied about. It cannot be spun.

The fact is tens of millions of Americans are now stuck with a stark choice: Either shun mandatory health insurance coverage because it is unaffordable and then pay homage every year to the IRS, or buy a worthless, unusable plan and live paycheck to paycheck.

And the facts are thus:

— Insurance companies, once suckered into participating in this turkey with the promise that everyone would have to buy their product, are bolting in droves after realizing that the law’s coverage requirements are simply more than average Americans (and their companies) can afford.

— The Obama administration itself has admitted that average premiums are going up nearly 25 percent next year (the first year Obama is, conveniently, out of office).

— Health insurance premiums in some states are going to rise well above 50 and 60 percent.

— Health insurance options in many states are down to one or two companies.

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— Fewer and fewer doctors are opting to accept new patients or take insurances – or Medicare/Medicaid (because it pays so lousy).

Here are two things anyone frustrated with unaffordable coverage should always remember:

  1. Barack Obama and the Democratic Party did this; not a single Republican voted for Obamacare. 
  1. GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has NO fingerprints on anything to do with Obamacare.

But Trump is the only candidate with a shot at winning this race who has a real plan to repeal and then replace Obamacare. And he’s the only one talking about policies that will not only make health coverage more affordable for the consumer again by making insurance companies compete for your business, it will make health care cost less overall – something Obamacare also has not done.

There are some who believe that Obamacare was written in such a way as to fail, so a big government lefty like Clinton could usher in a single-payer (complete government-run) health care system, like those that are failing to deliver in the UK and Canada.

But others believe Obamacare represents a classic case of big government failure, once again, to deliver a product or service competently, efficiently and better than the free market.

Which is why Obama has been reduced to lying about his signature law whenever he discusses it.


(c) 2016 USA Features Media.
