CONFIRMED: If elected, Hillary Clinton will slash gun freedoms by executive order

Hillary Clinton is the absolute worst.

If you have been paying even the slightest bit of attention to American politics over the last decade, this should be abundantly clear. Whether it be her constant flip-flopping, seemingly never-ending scandals, war crimes or generally ridiculous policies, there’s not a whole lot to like about the Democrat presidential nominee. In nearly every way, shape or form, she is completely unfit to be president.

Though many of her desires if elected president are absurd, the one that is most frightening to us sane folk is the desire to eradicate the Second Amendment, which would leave American citizens unable to protect themselves against potential dangers. Considering the fact that there are a whole lot of potential dangers in the world today, this is a completely unjustified and incredibly dangerous decision that would surely leave thousands of innocents dead as a result.

The recent WikiLeaks hacks have proven that not only is Hillary Clinton egregiously anti-Second Amendment, she is willing to eliminate gun freedoms by executive order, which would prevent citizens in the United States from even having their voices heard on the issue. That’s how far she is willing to go in order to make sure that none of us are armed.

In one of the emails, press secretary Brian Fallon wrote that “the Today show has indicated they definitely plan to ask bout guns, and so to have the discussion be more of a news event than her previous times discussing guns, we are going to background reporters tonight on a few of the specific proposals she would support as President – universal background checks of course, but also closing the gun show loophole by executive order and imposing manufacturer liability.”

On top of the fact that Hillary Clinton’s campaign is screening questions asked by journalists — which already sets off a lot of red flags about her transparency — it’s genuinely frightening at the lengths they are willing to go in order to prevent the access of firearms in America. For libertarians and conservatives, this is especially upsetting. The federal government is trying to overstep its bounds in order to enslave the American people to a dangerous degree.

By ensuring that we are unarmed, it guarantees that we will not be able to protect ourselves against tyranny or other forms of evil. This is merely the first step in what promises to be a lengthy battle against the Second Amendment and supporters of the United States Constitution. Hillary and her goons are not going to stop without a fight — so it’s up to us to give them one.


