Coal catches a break after a federal judge finally accuses Obama’s EPA of being a job-killer

( Coal miners and the families who depend on coal jobs for survival have finally caught a break and won a battle in Obama’s war on the industry – a war that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has vowed to continue if she wins the election Nov. 8.

As reported by AMI Newswire, a federal judge has slapped the Environmental Protection Agency over its massive new emissions rules because the agency failed to perform one of the most basic of all assessments when promulgating new rules: The impact they will have on jobs.

It seems that Obama, and the army of bureaucrats who work for the Executive Branch, think employment for the little people isn’t nearly as important as practicing their global warming religion.

The site reported:

Coal is on a roll this week as a federal judge in West Virginia faulted new clean air rules for failing to take into account potential job losses.

The decision sided with the Murray Energy Corp., an Ohio-based coal mining company, over the Environmental Protection Agency. It comes in the wake of a February U.S. Supreme Court decision that halted implementation of the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan, which aimed to cut carbon dioxide pollution from power plants, pending a review by appellate courts.

Judge John Preston Bailey of the Northern District of West Virginia concluded that the EPA’s clean air regulations must include evaluations of potential job losses or employment shifts resulting from regulations drafted in support of the federal Clean Air Act – something that the agency failed to do.

“EPA cannot redefine statutes to avoid complying with them,” Bailey said in the decision. “Nor can EPA render them superfluous or contrary to their original purpose by simply defining them to be.” 

This second repudiation of Obama’s long-stated effort to bankrupt the coal industry using whatever means necessary has got to be infuriating to him. After all, this is a president who has saddled the country with a health care law that is making insurance so expensive and unusable that American companies and American workers can no longer afford it. Wiping out the coal industry would be a sort of coup de grace for him.

But that’s not going to happen – not yet, at least, and certainly not on his watch. That’s a good thing, not only for the scores of families that depend on coal jobs for a living, but for the country as a whole, which relies on a power grid for which one-third of power comes from coal-fired plants, according to the government.

Generally speaking, it is the political Left that constantly assaults our country’s ability to produce energy – and the good-paying jobs the energy industry creates. Thank goodness there are enough federal courts left after eight years of Obama’s judicial activism to require that his agencies follow the letter of the law, no matter how much the president wishes to ignore it.


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