US government has still been involved in mass surveillance despite the USA Freedom Act

America is still considered the Land of the Free, despite the fact that there are numerous aspects of modern American life that directly infringe on that belief. We are still forced to pay taxes, we are still forced to obey the absurd regulations put forth by the corrupt federal government of the United States and even worse, they continue to spy on us as if our right to privacy is nonexistent — or at least is trumped by their right to absolute power.

Despite the fact that the powers that be in the United States claim that they would never dream of unlawfully spying on the American people, whistleblowers like Edward Snowden have proven that to be a bald-faced lie. Not only are they spying on us, they’re hacking into our personal electronic devices and watching every single thing that we do. It is criminal behavior that should not go unpunished, but when you have the most powerful government in the world supporting your moves, there is no chance that you will have to face the consequences.

But still, the United States federal government passed the USA Freedom Act, which should have ended mass surveillance. Unfortunately, new evidence is being released that shows something fishy is still going on behind the scenes. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a motion with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court asking them to release legal opinions related to the United States government’s interpretation of this law.

The ACLU wrote in a statement, “These court rulings are essential for the public to understand how federal laws are being construed and implemented … They also show how constitutional protections for personal privacy and expressive activities are being enforced by the courts. In other words, access to these opinions is necessary for the public to properly oversee their government.”

Considering how dangerous all of this surveillance truly is in regards to freedom, it is nice to see an organization like the ACLU taking a stand against the federal government. As recent history has proven, those who stand up against corrupt politicians like Hillary Clinton are putting their lives at risk. In the long run this will most definitely prove to be worth it all. If we don’t have liberty then we have nothing.

It’s time to put an end to this ridiculous infringement of our human rights. We should have the ability to go home and not worry about the government spying on our every move. This is not the America we were all promised. This is not the America we deserve.


