Bill Clinton rape protester beaten at rally

Protesters have been showing a presence at multiple Hillary Clinton rallies across America in an effort to call out Bill Clinton for being a rapist.

Recently, protesters could also be seen holding large posters at an event that featured President Obama — aside from the posters, they were also wearing ‘Hillary for Prison’ tee shirts.  These angry voters even went as far as to interrupt Bill Clinton during a speech by yelling, “Rape!”

Many of these instances ended with these individuals being forced out of rallies by security and staff. Although these events originated in Florida, they have now spread to as far as Nevada.

At a recent rally in Las Vegas, a protester can be seen being shoved by a group of people, slammed into a metal fence and tackled to the ground. While the camera angle doesn’t show everything that went on, due to the amount of people blocking the action, it suggests the protester might have taken some physical abuse as well. The protester later reappears after emerging from the scene, then he is thrown against the metal fence for a second time, all while his tee shirt can be clearly seen as ripped apart.

Why isn’t Hillary speaking out against the violence?

Whenever a protester is thrown out of a Donald Trump rally, Trump halts his speech to address the incident, even going as far as to instruct his crowds to get said protester out of the event. Bill Clinton has halted several speeches to address anti-rape protesters in his crowds — instructing everyone to give the protester a hand. The former President has even has made jokes out the matter, claiming that that the trump supporters must have had a “really rough week”.

Hillary Clinton completely ignores the incidents, and that is a major problem. She can be heard in the background continuing on with her speeches — although they should have been blatantly obvious to her that the crowd in the back was pretty stirred up. They can be heard yelling “Jerry, Jerry, Jerry” during the scuffle which would indicate that they were highly amused by the opportunity to rough up a protester. By doing so, they contradict their tolerance and love for free speech. They also show that they do not handle themselves properly in situations where adversity presents itself.

Protesters are not going to stop disruptive demonstrations at rallies before the election on November 8th. Hillary Clinton might try to ignore them all — which says a lot about her. It would be nice to hear her voice guiding her supporters to take care of the situation in a non violent manner. She has not shown the ability to practice what she preaches and continues to have a “This will go away” attitude towards adverse situations.

