The ‘politically correct’ war on holidays: first Christmas – now Halloween

When conservatives and libertarians first began making reference to the Regressive Left’s War on Christmas, many people dismissed them as being paranoid and overreacting. One year later, it was revealed to what lengths the liberals would go to suck all of the fun and charm out of the most wonderful time of the year. As we learned, they are willing to go pretty far in order to make the rest of the world as miserable and boring as they are. Thankfully, they didn’t succeed at eliminating Christmas cheer. Unfortunately, they have now targeted Halloween as their next holiday to destroy.

One of the most enjoyable seasons of the year has found itself under attack by the hateful liberals on the far left for reasons that can only be described as ridiculous.

From attacking costumes as being “problematic,” racist, sexist and otherwise politically incorrect to demanding that haunted attractions be shut down for potentially offending those with mental health issues, the social justice warriors have waged war on All Hallows Eve. By deeming virtually every notable characteristic of the holiday offensive, the Regressive Left appears to be trying to rid the world of the holiday altogether.

Halloween should be a time of mischief and lighthearted entertainment — not walking on eggshells because a bunch of oversensitive crybabies might be upset that people are having too much fun. Giving into their demands is dangerous because it sets a precedent that none of us will want to exist in the long run.

Logan Albright of Conservative Review writes that Halloween is so special to all of us because, “Many women see it as their opportunity to take a break from professionalism and sophistication in order to wear something daring and utterly impractical in everyday life. Men release their inner ghouls, trying to be as terrifying as possible. If any of this is offensive, it’s because it is supposed to be. But what isn’t offensive are the innocent costumes depicting pirates, Native Americans voodoo priestesses, gypsies, and samurai warriors.”

This holiday should exist so that everyone can express themselves however they see fit — without worrying about leftists trying to ruin their reputations by kicking off ridiculous campaigns to label them as racist or evil. It’s truly upsetting that there are people in our country that want to prevent everyone else from having a good time. We should be coming together during uncertain times such as these, and yet we constantly seem to be picking battles that shouldn’t even exist.

It’s important that we address just how silly these people are acting. We have to move forward — not backward — in today’s society.


