Free speech online now criminal, being ‘offensive’ can get you prosecuted

The Regressive Left has been treating potentially offensive comments as if they were a criminal activity for years now, but their behavior has generally been passed off as being childish nonsense. Nobody with any real brainpower or logical ability has been taking these oversensitive crybabies even remotely seriously — until now.

Over the past couple of years, more and more people have begun to cower to the Regressive Left for reasons that are hard to fathom. Very few of them hold positions of power, and most of them are just jobless, lifeless millennials that are still living in their parents’ basement. Still, many of the powers that be have been jumping on the politically correct bandwagon lately, and the results are downright terrifying.

Constitutional rights are now being treated as crimes in order to protect the delicate feelings of the thin-skinned left — but things have gotten even worse for those living across the pond in places like England and Wales.

BBC reports, “Inciting people to harass others online, known as virtual mobbing, could also result in court action, under new Crown Prosecution Service guidance. The director of public prosecutions said it means the CPS would prosecute just as if offense occurred offline. But she stressed this did not mean prosecutors could ‘stifle free speech.'”

Of course, stifling free speech is exactly what such a potential law would do. Calling it anything other than a complete and utter infringement of human rights would be a huge understatement. They are preventing people from expressing themselves in a healthy manner by preventing them from speaking their minds. These regulations force people to pretend to believe things that they do not. In a way, they are a lot like the antithesis of religious freedom laws in that they prevent people from expressing themselves to the fullest extent of authenticity.

Instead, people are being treated like personality-less drones that should be forced to fit into a very specific mold as to not upset anyone. This is like something out of a dystopian science fiction novel, but it is real life for many people in the United Kingdom at this point. Welcome to the first stages of the New World Order.

While that may sounds like an overreaction, it honestly isn’t. This is a very serious issue that should be treated as such. We are all in trouble if these kinds of regulations carry over to the United States. Given the circumstances we are currently facing, it would be devastating to us all.


