School demands student undergo a psychological evaluation for pro-Second Amendment project

The Regressive Left has been fighting against the Second Amendment for years now. Despite insurmountable evidence to the contrary, they’ve frequently argued that anyone and everyone who has the audacity to own, use or even defend the existence of firearms is mentally deranged. Due to the numerous terrorist attacks that have occurred in recent months – that were conveniently perpetrated by the radical Islamic terrorism that the left desperately tries to ignore – firearms and the laws surrounding them have been in the news quite a bit lately.

Now things are getting even worse for those who want to defend our constitutional rights.

A high school student in a Manville, New Jersey, has found himself under fire after submitting a pro-Second Amendment project. Shortly after handing in the assignment, 17-year-old Frank Harvey was ordered by the Manville School District to undergo a psychological evaluation for fear that his support of the United States Constitution might indicate that he is mentally unstable. This is the America that we’re living in.

Jack Burns of The Free Thought Project writes, “Screenshots of the video project titled ‘About Guns’ show Harvey’s position was supportive of an individual’s right to self-defense using guns. He cited several incidents involving home break-ins that were thwarted when a homeowner fought back with a firearm.”

Apparently believing that American people have a divine right to protect themselves from violent attackers is somehow controversial to the mindless drones on the left. I suppose when you live in a fantasy world made of sunshine and rainbows, the harsh reality of radical Islamic extremism and general acts of disturbing violence can simply be ignored.

The Second Amendment allows us to be prepared for the absolute worst to come. It is the last line of defense between us and potential enemies. It absolutely must be defended in order to keep our country free. For us conservatives and libertarians that believe in this right, it is of the utmost importance that we spread the word and loudly and proudly defend our stance that firearms should remain legal in the United States.

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get any better with regard to both the Regressive Left and the fight for the Second Amendment. We have to be in this one for the long haul, but it will undoubtedly prove to be worth it in the end. After all, our lives could depend on it.

