Sign outside school gives warning that Texas teachers are carrying guns

The slogan “Don’t mess with Texas” is frequently proven to be an intelligent way to live your life. After all, if you end up messing with Texans — especially in their home state — things could quickly go from bad to worse as they don’t mess around when it comes to protecting themselves and their loved ones.

With the ever-growing climate of terrorist attacks and mass shootings in America, one of the hardest-hitting conversations of recent memory surrounds how we are supposed to protect our schools from these horrific instances. While the Regressive Left has gone out of their way to fight against the Second Amendment, Texas as a whole has been warning all those who visit that they are proud of the United States Constitution, and will use firearms if they feel such an action is necessary.

Take, for instance, the Medina Independent School District, where just over 300 students — ranging from kindergarten to 12th grade — are proudly protected by firearm-carrying teachers. According to a sign that is displayed outside of the building, “Attention, please be aware that the staff at Medina ISD may be armed and will use whatever force is necessary to protect our students.”

While many schools in America seem content to let disasters strike instead of allowing teachers to carry firearms, the folks at Medina are unconcerned with the public perception of them and more concerned with keeping their faculty and student body safe from harm. They deserve extreme kudos for taking such a stance against an issue that is severely damaging the country as we know it. From Sandy Hook to the recent school shooting at Townville Elementary in South Carolina, these events are becoming far too common.  Arming our teachers is a surefire way to prevent these kind of situations from escalating.

Political correctness is going to be the death of us all. The only way to combat this ridiculous behavior is by loudly proclaiming that you are a proud supporter of the Second Amendment and want to protect our youth from the evils of the world. Sometimes it can seem unnecessary, but when everything goes awry, you’ll be happy that a gun is on hand to keep our younger generations free from danger. More schools should follow Medina ISD’s lead on this issue. If anything unfortunate should happen, they’ll certainly be glad that they did.

Don’t mess with Texas indeed…


