Halloween ride attraction closes after triggering SJWs in California for ‘offensive themes’

We knew it was only a matter of time before the Regressive Left came after haunted attractions. After all, they have an inherent hatred of anyone having fun in any possible way.

For years, Knott’s Berry Farm has celebrated the season of Halloween by transforming their park into the fun-filled Knott’s Scary Farm. People from all over travel to Orange County, California to experience the haunted attraction and enjoy some scares from the various thrills of the theme park. How anyone could have a problem with this is baffling, but as always seems to be the case, leftists have involved themselves and there is loads of controversy surrounding Knott’s Scary Farm this year. Why, you may ask? Well, prepare for something extremely irritating.

These overly sensitive crybabies are offended by the fact that one of park’s attractions is centered around a criminally insane young woman inside of a mental facility. This has been deemed extremely inappropriate by the previously mentioned crybabies, who assume that everything in the world is directed towards them (because all of us care so much about their existence, right?). And since mental health issues are the topic of the month to the leftists, it’s no surprise that they’re targeting a haunted house that “exploits” the problem.

That doesn’t make it any less ridiculous, though.

Halloween is supposed to be one of the most carefree times of the year, when people are allowed to roam freely, misbehaving and causing a harmless ruckus throughout their respective communities. Haunted attractions are one of the most enjoyable aspects of the season, so it’s only fitting that the fun-hating idiots on the left have decided to attack all of the people of the world who don’t take themselves too seriously all of the time.

The only thing dangerous about Halloween is the amount of stress the fun policing social justice warriors evoke onto us normal, sane folks. The best thing we can all do is ignore their requests by being as offensive as possible during Halloween. Be problematic as much as you can, and whenever someone tells you that what you’re doing is upsetting to them, make sure to continue doing it at even more frequent rates.

It’s just too bad that Knott’s Scary Farm didn’t follow suit as this could have been the Halloween to end all Halloweens…

Or at least the social justice movement.




