Liberals celebrating Uber and Lyft don’t realize they’re applauding free market-based solutions

If it weren’t so frustrating, it would actually be quite funny to deeply analyze the overt hypocrisy of virtually everything liberals do and believe in. They’re so intent on being the most intelligent, self-righteous members of society that they often behave like idiots while breaking their own moral code.

This is rarely more visible than in the case of ridesharing.

Companies like Lyft and Uber provide an alternative to taxi cab services and public transportation, allowing independent contractors to transport users from one location to another destination without having to worry about hailing a cab or finding the fastest route in regards to bus stops.

Ridesharing became extremely popular in major cities due to the convenience, cost and necessity of it all. But what many of the federal government-loving liberals in those areas likely don’t realize is that ridesharing is a free market solution to the problem of public transportation.

The reason Lyft and Uber are so effective and popular is entirely because they are not controlled by the federal government. They’re everything liberals claim to hate while simultaneously being everything liberals actually love.

Like most issues facing our society today, the government couldn’t solve this one, so the American people — using capitalism and ingenuity — had to do it for them. Of course, many cities have now made it virtually impossible for Uber and Lyft to survive in their area, forcing a series of unjust regulations upon their drivers. As with all things related to the economy, eventually the federal government decides to enact their socialist ideals and therefore ruin everything.

Capitalism is the only economic system that truly works. Communism is a complete mess. Socialism has proven time and time again to be an utter failure. Democratic socialism is essentially just putting a new coat of paint on a broken system. None of these concepts benefit human beings even remotely as well as capitalism. For the economy to become and remain healthy, you need capitalism.

In execution, capitalism isn’t the best way — it is the only way.

Unfortunately, the Regressive Left — and a majority of millennials — refuse to accept this. They want to believe that life will always work out for them even if they refuse to put forth any amount of effort in order to better their lives in any way. This line of thinking is one of the major factors in our country going down the toilet.

If we can return to an era where Americans are willing to work hard for what they have and strive to grow and improve themselves every single day, then they will inevitably come to the conclusion that a free market, capitalist society is responsible for everything good in our lives. Absurd government regulations don’t help anyone except for the government.


