WikiLeaks prepares for release of more Clinton emails ahead of election

On Wednesday, Fox News conducted an interview with WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange.

Assange said the release of more Clinton emails is in the works.

“We have a lot of material, thousands of pages of material,” Assange told Megyn Kelly. “There’s a variety of different types of documents and different types of institutions that are associated with the election campaign, some quite unexpected angles that are, you know, quite interesting, some even entertaining.”

Assange’s timing is designed to inflict damage at crucial junctures in the election cycle. The DNC emails were released during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia and ultimately resulted in the removal of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the DNC boss.

Kelly asked if the next leak will be a “game changer” and Assange said it would.

“I think it’s significant. You know, it depends on how it catches fire in the public and in the media,” he said.

Media pickup of any future story is crucial. Earlier this week, the establishment media ran with stories criticizing WikiLeaks, accusing the whistleblower organization of exposing data insensitive to gay people, sick children and rape victims.

Tweets went out accusing The Huffington Post, The Independent, Mediaite and others of fabrication and distorting the facts. Much of the information attributed to Wikileaks came from other sources.

The effort to discredit WikiLeaks is coordinated in part by the elite of the Democratic party.

“Democratic leaders are putting out a warning that could help inoculate Hillary Clinton against an October cyber surprise: Any future mass leaks of embarrassing party emails might contain fake information inserted by Russian hackers,” Politico reported with an explanation saying the information came from a conference call between Rep. Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic Party leaders who are strategizing how to minimize the fallout from leaks.

Clinton has avoided addressing numerous controversies by shunning the press and refusing to hold press conferences, thus allowing a friendly corporate media to fend off criticism of the candidate. She has not held a press conference for 260 days.

The Washington Post criticized this tactic:

Jokes aside, it’s beyond ridiculous that one of the two people who will be elected president in 80 or so days continues to refuse to engage with the press in this way.

But she does sit-down interviews! And she did a “press conference” with a moderator, um, moderating the questions!

Not good enough. Not when you are running to be president of the United States. One of the most important things when someone is offering themselves up to represent all of us is that we get the best sense we can about how that person thinks on his or her feet, how they deal with unwanted or adversarial questions. Those two traits are big parts of doing the job of president in the modern world.

There’s nothing like a press conference to put a candidate for president through their paces. If you don’t believe me, just watch how Clinton handled this presser — not well! — when she tried to put the email server controversy to rest.

In the end, the corporate media effort to ignore or underplay the damage inflicted by revelations of Clinton’s corruption and lawbreaking may prove successful, especially when the audience is a largely disengaged electorate.

Meanwhile, the establishment heaps dirt on the campaign of Donald Trump every single day, thus revealing its preference and bias.




The Washington Post
